Gina Krog - Wikipedia
Jørgine Anna Sverdrup "Gina" Krog (20 June 1847 – 14 April 1916) was a Norwegian suffragist, teacher, liberal politician, writer and editor, and a major figure in liberal feminism in …
Gina Krog - oil and gas field in the North Sea - Equinor
Gina Krog (previously Dagny), originally a minor gas discovery just north of Sleipner, is a field that has been considered for development on a number of occasions since it was first discovered …
Field: GINA KROG - Norwegianpetroleum.no
Gina Krog is a field on the Utsira High in the central part of the North Sea, just north of the Sleipner Vest field. The water depth is 120 metres. Gina Krog was discovered in 1978, and the …
Gina Krog - Store norske leksikon
Gina Krog var en norsk kvinnesaksforkjemper, politiker og redaktør. I sin samtid ble hun regnet som selve høvdingen i norsk kvinnebevegelse. Krog er kjent som den fremste lederskikkelsen …
Gina Krog - Daughters of Norway
Gina Krog was a Norwegian feminist, lecturer, writer and politician. She was born on June 20, 1847 in Flakstad, Loften, Norway. Her father, a pastor, died before her birth.
Krog, Gina (1847–1916) - Encyclopedia.com
Krog, Gina (1847–1916) Norwegian champion of women's rights. Born Jørgine Anna Sverdrup on June 20, 1847, in Flakstad, Lofoten, Northern Norway; died on April 14, 1916; daughter of a …
Gina Krog - olje- og gassfelt i Nordsjøen. - Equinor
Gina Krog er et globalt prosjekt med store norske leveranser. For eksempel er boligkvarteret bygget på Stord, mer enn halvparten av utstyrspakkene kommer fra Norge og alle bore- og …
Field: GINA KROG - Factpages - Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Gina Krog is a field on the Utsira High in the central part of the North Sea, just north of the Sleipner Vest field. The water depth is 120 metres. Gina Krog was discovered in 1978, and the …
Gina Krog Field, North Sea - NS Energy
2023年10月20日 · Gina Krog is expected to host 225 million barrels of oil and gas, which will also help in extending the life of nearby Sleipner. Gina Krog development planned to deploy a …
Gina Krog - Infinite Women
Gina Krog’s name is attached to Nylænde, the first woman’s cause periodical. From the start of this periodical in 1887 to 1916 she was its editor, and partly through this, became the leader of …