【GINKS BAR】地址,电话,路线,周边设施_360地图
Ginks Bar 来兰州玩,一个调酒师朋友推荐的这家酒吧,说是在兰州很知名的一家威士忌鸡尾酒吧。 环境,灯光都很有格调,店里的长吧台让人看起来也很喜欢。
Restaurant Ginks BAR(兰州)| 鼎食聚 - diningcity.cn
Restaurant Ginks BAR(兰州),。DingingCity|鼎食聚,世界领先的餐饮指南和在线预订平台。
Top 7 Bars in Lanzhou[2025] | Trip.Best | Trip.Best by Trip.com
Some highly-rated Bars in Lanzhou include:默飲酒室:5.0, RELAX lab:5.0, 河謠火塘民謠酒吧(慶陽路店):5.0, 尼格羅尼·威士忌事務所:5.0, Ginks Bar:5.0
蘭州7大酒吧[2025] | Trip.Best | Trip.Best by Trip.com
蘭州的酒吧可以在蘭州的哪裡找到? 去這些最受歡迎的推薦酒吧與朋友暢聚,把酒言歡,釋放日常生活的壓力。
【GINKS BAR】图片详情_360地图
Ginks Bar 来兰州玩,一个调酒师朋友推荐的这家酒吧,说是在兰州很知名的一家威士忌鸡尾酒吧。 环境,灯光都很有格调,店里的长吧台让人看起来也很喜欢。
蘭州のバー おすすめ7選 [2025] | Trip.Best | Trip.com
蘭州のバー:Moyin jiushi, RELAX lab, 河谣火塘民谣酒吧(庆阳路店), Nigroni Whisky Bar, Ginks Bar
2022年饮迷酒吧行业颁奖盛典区域入围名单来袭!DRiNK Awards 2022 Regional Nominees_you_wait_Bar
2022年9月21日 · We put new time limits on awards like Bar of the Year and Bartender of the Year that you had to be active in China’s bar industry for at least three years to apply. We wanted to ensure that those bars or bartenders had done their time, and gone through the struggle before being able to be put in the running for the coveted award.
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Ginks bar e restaurante - Facebook
Gink’s Garage - Bar - Foursquare
Everything is made from scratch - including their pizza. No instant potatoes here ! Great catering options are available. See 7 photos and 1 tip from 27 visitors to Gink’s Garage. "Try the …
Ginks bar e restaurante - Ibicuí - Foursquare
Write a short note about what you liked, what to order, or other helpful advice for visitors. 7 visitors have checked in at Ginks bar e restaurante.