What's the use of the staging area in Git? - Stack Overflow
2018年3月12日 · Git's object storage area has a bunch of read-only objects: in fact, one for every file, and every commit, and so on. You can add new objects any time, but you cannot change any existing objects. As Mercurial demonstrates, there is no requirement for a separate staging area: the VCS can use the work-tree as the proposed commit.
How do I clear my local working directory in Git?
2009年3月23日 · git reset --hard To remove untracked files, I usually just delete all files in the working copy (but not the .git/ folder!), then do git reset --hard which leaves it with only committed files. A better way is to use git clean (warning: using the -x flag as below will cause Git to delete ignored files): git clean -d -x -f
How to remove files from git staging area? - Stack Overflow
You can unstage files from the index using. git reset HEAD -- path/to/file Just like git add, you can unstage files recursively by directory and so forth, so to unstage everything at once, run this from the root directory of your repository:
git - How do I show the changes which have been staged
git diff. Shows the changes between the working directory and the index. This shows what has been changed, but is not staged for a commit. git diff --cached. Shows the changes between the index and the HEAD (which is the last commit on this branch). This shows what has been added to the index and staged for a commit. git diff HEAD
git add only modified changes and ignore untracked files
2011年8月19日 · Ideally your .gitignore should prevent the untracked (and ignored) files from being shown in status, added using git add etc. So I would ask you to correct your .gitignore. You can do git add -u so that it will stage the modified and deleted files. You can also do git commit -a to commit only the modified and deleted files.
git diff - Git list of staged files - Stack Overflow
2015年11月9日 · git diff --cached Changes between the index and your current HEAD. Combined together, you get the changes between the index and your current HEAD and Show only names of changed files.--staged is also available as an alias for - …
How do you move a commit to the staging area in git?
2011年8月27日 · To move a commit back to the staging area depends on your last commit. If your last commit was the first(or initial) commit of the repo, then you need to execute. git update-ref -d HEAD If your last commit is not the first(or initial) commit, then execute. git reset HEAD~
How to remove a file from the staging area (= index = cache) in Git?
2021年7月3日 · Only use git rm --cached [file] to remove a file from the index. git reset <filename> can be used to remove added files from the index given the files are never committed. % git add First.txt % git ls-files First.txt % git commit -m "First" % …
Git: staging area workflow - Stack Overflow
2016年11月24日 · So you fire up the git gui and use the Stage hunk/Stage line entries in context menu on the diff to stage just the fix and then commit that. You can get the same effect from git add -i or you can edit the diff to stage with git add -e or you can tweak the stage with something like vim-fugitive.
git working directory vs staging area vs local repo vs .git folder ...
2019年9月14日 · Git will let you use names, provided those names are in the name-to-hash-ID database, in place of hash IDs. Git needs the hash IDs; but you probably need the names just to find the hash IDs. The index or staging area sits between the work-tree and the repository.