Desktop apps and local git integration coming soon. Can I use GitHero without a GitHub account? Yes, you can access public repositories in read-only mode through a proxy we provide and is transparent to you. This proxy is used to avoid the low rate limit GitHub imposes when requests are not authenticated.
Gift Hero
With Gift Hero you can keep everything you want in one place from any device. Our mobile app for iOS and Android makes it easy to save gifts you find on websites and shopping apps. On your computer? We have browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari to …
使用 Hexo+GitHub 搭建个人免费博客教程(小白向) - 知乎
Hexo 是一个快速、简洁且高效的静态博客框架,它基于 Node.js 运行,可以将我们撰写的 Markdown 文档解析渲染成静态的 HTML 网页。 在本地撰写 Markdown 格式文章后,通过 Hexo 解析文档,渲染生成具有主题样式的 HTML 静态网页,再推送到 GitHub 上完成博文的发布。 优点: 完全免费;静态站点,轻量快速;可按需求自由定制改造;托管在 GitHub,安全省心;迁移方便…… 不足: 发文不便,依赖于本地环境;更适合个人博客使用;GitHub 在国内访问速度有 …
Mac 下 Hexo+GitHub 免费建博客流程 - 少数派
2020年9月26日 · Hexo是快速、简洁且高效的博客框架,利用Node.js 所带来的超快生成速度,让上百个页面在几秒内瞬间完成渲染,支持 GitHub Flavored Markdown 的所有功能,甚至可以整合 Octopress 的大多数插件,只需一条指令即可部署到 GitHub Pages, Heroku 或其他网站。 Hexo拥有强大的插件系统,安装插件可以让 Hexo 支持 Jade, CoffeeScript。 Node.js和Git都安装完成后,终端输入: $ sudo npm install hexo-cli -g. 注意username,这会影响到你的域名,你的域 …
GitHub - thisaislan/git-hero: Did you ever think about playing …
Git Hero is free and open-source software licensed under the MIT License. Did you ever think about playing guitar hero with git tree?
GitHero · GitHub
GitHero has 4 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
HeroTransitions/Hero: Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS - GitHub
Hero is a library for building iOS view controller transitions. It provides a declarative layer on top of the UIKit's cumbersome transition APIs—making custom transitions an easy task for developers. Hero is similar to Keynote's Magic Move. It checks the heroID property on all source and destination views. Every matched view pair is then ...
hero+github搭建自己的博客debug_github hero-CSDN博客
项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/he/Hero 项目介绍 Hero 是一个针对 iOS 平台的高度可定制化的转场库,它允许开发者通过简洁的 API 实现流畅且视觉... mac 使用 Github 搭建 个人 博客
Git-Hero | Devpost
Git-hero is an interactive and teaching game which allows users to interact with their browser and acoustic instrument. The game is meant to invoke a sense of attraction between the player and their instrument. It can be considered the “gateway” …
Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS.
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