GIU X Egyptian Clothing Bank: Fashion Design Students Transform Waste into Good Taste. In a remarkable collaboration between the German International University (GIU) and the Egyptian Clothing Bank, fashion design the students of the Fculty Of Desgin – fashion design major showcased their innovative designs at the "From Waste To Good Taste" event held at El …
Admission - GIU
Admission, GIU Admission, GIU-AS Admission. GIU is committed to attract academically outstanding, creative and dynamic high school graduates to pursue academic excellence in studying and research.
Faculties - GIU
German International University (GIU) offers industry-focused and future-oriented Bachelor's, Masters and PhD Degrees in different specializations and majors in the Faculties of Engineering, Informatics and Computer Science, Business Administration, Design, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology and Architectural Engineering. ...
Contact - GIU
GIU all contact information: Address, Hotline, Admission E-mail, For general inquires, Directions, Location
German International University (GIU ), Founded by the Academic Consortium of the Largest German Universities offering degrees in the fields of Engineering, Informatics and Computer Science, Business Administration, pharmaceutical Engineering, Biotechnology, architectural Engineering and Design based on the
Tuition and Fees - GIU
GIU aims at attracting a selection of academically outstanding, dynamic and creative high school graduates.. Accordingly, and based on the GIU admission evaluation process, students will be ranked and classified according to the following categories, each of which will have a specific deduction in the tuition as described in the scholarship section.
Faculty of Business Administration - GIU
Faculty Dean: Study duration: 8 semesters (4 years) + 1.5 Years (Master's). Degrees awarded: Bachelors, Masters of Science Degrees. Majors Offered: (choose two) "Business Administration students are supposed to declare a major specialization and a minor specialization from the ones stated below before their 5th semester.
مصروفات الجامعة الألمانية الدولية للفصل الدراسي 2023 -2024 - GIU
تهنئ # الجامعة_الألمانية_الدولية #giu طلبة وطالبات شهادة الثانوية العامة بنجاحهم ونتمنى للجميع مزيد من التفوق والنجاح. وفى هذا الصدد تقدم الجامعة الألمانية الدولية المنح الكاملة والجزئية للطلبة الأوائل والمتفوقين في ...
Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science - GIU
Data Scientists are the ones responsible for uncovering the secrets held by this big data. Data Science is a discipline that combines fields of computer science (in particular, methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning) and statistics and applies them knowledgethem to a multitude of diverse fields that include shopping, marketing, healthcare, education, finance, and social ...
GIU System
Faculty of Business Administration. 1. International Business 2. Digital Marketing 3. Finance, Banking & Accounting