Jizan - Wikipedia
Jizan (Arabic: جيزان, romanized: Jīzān), also spelled Jazan (Arabic: جازان, romanized: Jāzān), Gizan or Gazan, is a city and the capital of Jizan Region, which lies in the southwest corner of Saudi …
Jazan Province - Wikipedia
The Jazan Province is the second smallest province of Saudi Arabia after Al-Bahah.It stretches 300 km (190 mi) along the southern Red Sea coast, just north of Yemen.It covers an area of …
吉赞省 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
吉贊省(阿拉伯语: جازان ; Jazan ),又譯吉占省 [1] ,是沙特阿拉伯面積最小的省份,位於沙特阿拉伯西南部,與也門接壤,西臨紅海,綿延 300 km 長,直至也門北部。 整個省的面積只有 …
吉赞 - 百度百科
吉赞_Port of GIZAN_吉赞港口介绍 - 搜航网
jizan/吉赞#港口性质:海港#经纬度:16°54′n,042°30′e#位于沙特阿拉伯(全称:沙特阿拉伯王国kingdomofsaudiarabia)西南沿海,地处费拉桑(farasan)群岛之东,濒临红海的东南侧,是 …
15 tourist places to visit in Jizan - Life in Saudi Arabia
Jizan Theme Park Location.; Jizan Theme Park Timing: 4 pm to 12 am. Farasan Islands. Around 40 km from Jizan, you will find 80 Farasand Islands out of which only 3 are inhabited. If you …
在 吉赞 要做的事情 - 在吉赞 吉赞的景点 - 欢迎沙特
Check out 吉赞 most popular destination & attractions! Explore the list of top things to do in 吉赞 that you can't miss during your holiday!
Jizan City Profile, Saudi Arabia
In Gizan, there are tens of archaeological sites of various cultural periods varying from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic, and from the early Islamic to the present century, in addition to a …
吉赞省 - 百度百科
吉赞省的疆域还包括红海上过百个岛屿,当中的费拉桑群岛是沙特阿拉伯首个受保护地区,是濒危的 阿拉伯瞪羚 的家乡之余,也是冬季成千上万从欧洲而来的候鸟的栖息地。
吉赞港 - 百度百科
吉赞港位于沙特阿拉伯(全称:沙特阿拉伯王国 kingdom of saudi arabia)西南沿海,地处费拉桑(farasan)群岛之东,濒临红海(red sea)的东南侧,是沙特西部的主要港口之一