svofski/glasstty: GlassTTY: TrueType VT220 font - GitHub
This is the GlassTTY VT220 TrueType font by Viacheslav Slavinsky. This repository contains the font itself and files used for making it. Download the font: Glass_TTY_VT220.ttf. The original web page about the font is at http://sensi.org/~svo/glasstty. GlassTTY VT220 is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
2020年2月18日 · In the 1970s, character mode terminals e.g., ADM3A, VT100 etc. were considered preferable to the large cumbersome teleprinters. These new all electronic devices with their glass screens were often referred to as "Glass TTYs". Wikipedia, Computer Terminal.
lalo/VT220-mod-font: Modification to TrueType VT220 Font - GitHub
Based on font Glass TTY VT220 (TrueType) from http://christfollower.me/misc/glasstty/index.html. Modifications: Single quote is straight instead of curved; Example: Original font (with curved single quote):
Hacking with Style: TrueType VT220 Font - Haggis Hell
Download: Glass TTY VT220 (TrueType) — Use size 20 on Mac/Linux, size 15 in Windows. You will probably have to enter these numbers manually because they are not in the standard size grid. Reference Info Everything about DEC terminals Soft downloadable Cyrillic fonts for VT family of terminals —-—
glasstty/README.md at master · svofski/glasstty · GitHub
This is the GlassTTY VT220 TrueType font by Viacheslav Slavinsky. This repository contains the font itself and files used for making it. Download the font: Glass_TTY_VT220.ttf. The original …
The Gemini 80-Bus Saga - Part 1 - GlassTTY
2019年10月24日 · In the 1970s, character mode terminals e.g., ADM3A, VT100 etc. were considered preferable to the large cumbersome teleprinters. These new all electronic devices with their glass screens were often referred to as "Glass TTYs". Wikipedia, Computer Terminal.
glass tty - catb.org
glass tty: /glas T·T·Y/, /glas ti´tee/, n. [obs.] A terminal that has a display screen but which, because of hardware or software limitations, behaves like a teletype or some other printing terminal, thereby combining the disadvantages of both: like a printing terminal, it can't do fancy display hacks, and like a display terminal, it doesn't ...
Using MAME to Emulate the Apple II+ - GlassTTY
2020年3月30日 · To get a true emulation of the Videx card, it seems the only emulator to use on MacOS is the cross platform MAME software. MAME is quite remarkable in the number of systems it can emulate, as a result some of the concepts can take a little time to get used to, and configurations can take some time to perfect.
Glass Tty - Hackaday
2016年10月31日 · This isn’t that surprising. Linux’s forefather, Unix, expected these kind of terminals (or a hard copy TeleType) and all the trappings for working with a glass terminal are still in there.
A TrueType font in a TTY: Glass_TTY – DSPACE
2023年2月19日 · Glass TTY — VT220-like font on a TTY. So there you have it. I have a little script: setfont /path/to/Glass_TTY/Glass_TTY_VT220-20.psf printf %b '\e]P0000000' '\e]P7ffbf00' clear. A script to put the screen back is left as an exercise! Might need to try a few font pixel sizes to get it just nice, depending on your TrueType font.
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