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    Nutritional Supplements for Glaucoma - Modern …

    • Learn how some dietary supplements may help lower the risk of glaucoma and slow disease progression. Find out the mechanisms, benefits, and evidence of vitamins, minerals, omegas, and phenol compounds f… 展开

    Mechanisms of Glaucoma

    Before suggesting dietary supplements to a patient with glaucoma, it is important to understand the pathogenesis of the disease. We know that elevated IOP, whether from de… 展开

    Modern Optometry
    Vitamins and Minerals

    Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that has the potential to protect the optic nerve against oxidative stress.7 One study noted that vitamin C levels were significantly lower in patients … 展开

    Modern Optometry
    Omegas 3 and 6

    The essential fatty acids (FAs) omega 3 and omega 6 may help decrease IOP by increasing aqueous outflow.16 A study evaluating the blood composition of FAs in patients with PO… 展开

    Modern Optometry
    Phenol Compounds

    Ginkgo biloba is one of the most promising supplements for glaucoma treatment. It is known to have antioxidant properties, help increase blood flow, stabilize mitochondria, and protect neur… 展开

    Modern Optometry