Glax-ovo, a fragrant food drink, in addition to pure milk, cocoa and malt, contains the valuable " Vitamin Concen- trate"—no other food does. Tt gives you your complete daily supply of vitamins—it promotes vibrant health, and induces sound restful nights of sleep. Test GLAX-OVO for yourself —fill in the coupon below and send to day. Take ...
provided by Glax-ovo, the tonic food beverage. Its perfect digestibility and ready assimilability commend it in all cases In which a supplementary diet of this nature is indicated. Its power of promoting calcium-phosphorus metabclism is due to the fact that Glax-ovo contains Ostelin, a highly concentrated pre-
Glax Ovo-Vitamin Food Drink designs
Glax Ovo-Vitamin Food Drink designs PART OF: Alphabetical Made: 1926 part of archive: Purvis Archive maker: Purvis, Tom (1880-1957) Details. Extent: 2 items Identifier: PUR/8/2/21 Browse this archive. Purvis Archive. PUR/1 Lecture notes. PUR/1/1 Lecture Schedule. PUR/1/2 (1) Bradford Publicity Club ...
It is stated, further, that Glax-ovo contains this fat-soluble bone-forming vitamin from cod-liver oil in a tasteless form, and that it is an easily digestible nutritious food
provided by Glax-ovo, the tonic food beverage. Its perfect digestibility and ready assimilability commend it in all cases In which a supplementary diet of this nature is indicated. Its power of promoting calcium-phosphorus metabolism is due to the fact that Glax-ovo contains Ostelin, a highly concentrated pre-
Advert for GLAX-OVO Vitamin Concentrate Supplement Original …
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Advert for GLAX-OVO Vitamin Concentrate Supplement Original 1925 Print Ad 726/97 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Sleeping secrets: undress in the dark, walk around the room and …
Dr Cassells Pillls (for indigestion and Nervous Insomnia), Halls Tonic, Virol and Milk, Glax-Ovo vitamins were just some of the many other brands looking to put Irish insomniacs to sleep.
Evening Chronicle from Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, …
"And the beauty of it is that with Glax-ovo, at any rate, he can have just as much as he likes and it doesn't upset him, and it's so good for him with that essence of cod-liver oil and the milk.
Otago Daily Times | 31 May 1927 - Papers Past
It’s the way he’s fed; Glax-ovo every day—for two years. He likes it, and it has the real bodybuilding virtues of cod-liver oil —and more. Glax-ovo is the one fooddrink that contains, in every cup, a measured quantity of the “Vitamin Concern rate”— the most valuable element of …
Liverpool Echo from Liverpool, Merseyside, England • 9
It's Glax-ovo that's pat me cup at eleven in the morning and another at night. I've never felt better in my life.