Glaz - Rainbow Six Wiki
The OTs-03 high-powered sniper weapon of Specialist Glazkov's (Glaz) exceeds all previous Russian designs. I've always been eager to try it. Since I happen to be a marksman in my own …
Glaz | Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft
Glaz is a back-line marksman, capable of soft breaching and providing covering fire from a distance. Glaz is capable of ranged shooting through his unique scope ability: HDS Flipsight. …
Glaz - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: …
Glaz的专属武器 OTs-03 在现实中的原型是德拉古诺夫SVU狙击步枪,这把武器专为城市狙击作战而设计,也是十分契合彩虹六号中CQB作战背景的武器。 Glaz的右眼有一处伤痕,据背景故 …
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Glaz Loadouts That Are Excellent
2024年4月10日 · For this loadout setup, Glaz will have the suppressed PMM handgun as his secondary weapon which he can use to silently shoot enemy gadgets, especially cameras, …
Glaz - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
Timur " Glaz " Glazkov (Born in Vladivostok, July 2, 1987) is an attacking operator included in the original release of Rainbow Six Siege. Mounted on a hinge allowing it to flip into position, the …
Rainbow 6 Siege Glaz Guide: How To Play Glaz Like A Pro [25 Useful Glaz …
2022年10月23日 · Glaz’s unique designated marksman rifle, the OTs-03, has a very high destruction profile per shot. It can destroy unreinforced hatches and puncture huge holes on …
GLAZ - 彩虹六号WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
首先来康康主武器: OTs -03是一把半自动(通俗说就是单点)的狙击枪,有着10发的优秀容弹量,相比于kali5发子弹,GLAZ有着更高的容错率(当然伤害也低了亿点) 除此之外,这把枪能 …
Objectively Best Glaz Loadout - YouTube
This is the objectively best loadout for Glaz in Rainbow Six Siege. Watch to improve, (although subjectively some might argue muzzle brake & vertical is insane)
Glaz - R6 Siege Operator Guide - Rainbow Six Siege Center
An in-depth guide to Glaz R6 Siege operator. Learn how to play Glaz with our guides on playstyle, utility, loadout, popular video guides, and more!
Glaz - Rainbow Six: Siege Wiki
His rifle can pierce a wooden barricade in 3 shots, and Castles bulletproof barricades in 12, making him a valuable asset in breaching. His Flip Sight allows Glaz to zoom and use a …