Glaz - Rainbow Six Wiki
Timur "Glaz" Glazkov (Russian: Тимур Глазков) is an Attacking Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mobile. Bullets are better than …
Glaz - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: …
Glaz的专属武器 OTs-03 在现实中的原型是德拉古诺夫SVU狙击步枪,这把武器专为城市狙击作战而设计,也是十分契合彩虹六号中CQB作战背景的武器。 Glaz的右眼有一处伤痕,据背景故 …
Glaz | Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft
Glaz is a back-line marksman, capable of soft breaching and providing covering fire from a distance. Glaz is capable of ranged shooting through his unique scope ability: HDS Flipsight. …
Glaz | 特勤幹員 | 《湯姆克蘭西之虹彩六號:圍攻行動》 | Ubisoft …
Glaz 是後防射手,能夠進行軟突破,並從遠距離提供掩護火力。 Glaz 可以遠距離射擊主要是仰賴他的獨特瞄準鏡技能:HDS 摺疊式瞄準鏡。 特別留意重生點擊殺或攻擊性強的防守方,在你 …
Glaz | 彩虹六號:圍攻行動 Wiki | Fandom
代號為「Glaz」 是Spetsnaz在「彩虹六號:圍攻行動」的小隊攻堅者。 最大特色就是他能使用 HDS 可調整式瞄準具,在一定距離外提供精準射擊。 *Glaz 在俄語中的意思為「眼睛」…
Glaz - R6 Siege Operator Guide - Rainbow Six Siege Center
An in-depth guide to Glaz R6 Siege operator. Learn how to play Glaz with our guides on playstyle, utility, loadout, popular video guides, and more!
Glaz - Rainbow Six: Siege Wiki
His Flip Sight allows Glaz to zoom and use a thermal sight to see his victims and engage with the enemy from a longer range. He is the only operator equipped with a Dragunov SVU. He is able …
Glaz - R6S.skin
Rainbow Six Siege skin database.
Glaz - In depth guide : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2017年10月15日 · Glaz's ability is a flipup thermal vision scope. The flip up ability allows you to switch between a low zoom sight and a high zoom thermal vision scope that highlights enemy …
GLAZ - 彩虹六号WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
可以切换HDS折叠式瞄准镜,并且有热成像功能,可以透过烟雾看到敌人,切换时间约为一秒,基本可以忽略。 HDS瞄准镜在静止不动时开启热成像,移动后12s内逐渐消除效果。 注意:这 …
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