GLL 50 Line Lasers - boschtools
The Bosch GLL 50 Self-Leveling Cross-Line Laser Kit features a laser with vertical, horizontal and cross-line modes that projects two lines independently or together. This permits a broad array of alignment and leveling applications.
GLL 50 G 墨線儀 | 博世專業 - Bosch Power Tools
GLL 50 G Professional:進一步資訊 產品重點. GLL 50 G Professional是基本整平應用的好夥伴。採用博世雷射綠光雷射技術可投射1條水平及1條垂直雷射線,即使在較亮的環境下也能輕鬆提供精確的整平成果。
GLL 50 G Line Laser | Bosch Professional - Bosch Power Tools
The GLL 50 G Professional is what you really need for essential levelling applications. With 1 horizontal and 1 vertical line in Bosch Green Laser Technology, it is the simplest way to achieve precise levelling results even in brighter conditions.
GLL50-40G Line Lasers - boschtools
The Bosch GLL50-40G Green-Beam Self-Leveling 360° Cross-Line Laser uses green-beam technology, which emits green lines up to 4X brighter than standard red beams. This gives the laser a working range of up to 100 Ft. in diameter.
GLL 50 G レーザー墨出し器 | Bosch Professional
GLL 50 G Professionalは、必要不可欠なレベリング用途に最適な製品です。 ボッシュのグリーンレーザー技術による各1本の水平・垂直ラインで、明るい環境でも非常に簡単・正確なレベリングを実現できます。
GLL50-20G Line Lasers - boschtools
The Bosch GLL50-20G Self-Leveling Cross-Line Laser projects two level and plumb green beams that are up to 4X brighter than standard red beams. Featuring a 65 Ft. range that allows for …
十字綠光雷射水平墨線儀 GLL 50 G - PChome 線上購物
BOSCH 博世 十字綠光雷射水平墨線儀 GLL 50 G - Bosch│測量儀器, 快速且簡易校平,具最佳能見度 堅固耐用,適用艱困作業場所 直覺式單鍵設計,操作簡易, 找BOSCH 博世 十字綠光雷射水平墨線儀 GLL 50 G推薦就來PChome 24h購物,多元支付,超值,優惠,可靠迅速,您的網路購物 ...
BOSCH GLL50-20G 50 Ft Green-Beam Self-Leveling Cross-Line …
Fast horizontal and vertical alignment of lines: Effortless and highly precise with the self-leveling line lasers from Bosch. Sturdy, robust, practice-oriented – the easy-to-operate line lasers …
博世GLL 50G 15米绿光两线水平仪高精度激光标线仪水平尺找平打 …
GLL 50 G Professional契合所有需求,是用户必备的调平应用。 采用博世绿色激光技术,投射1条水平激光线和1条垂直激光线,实现精准的调平成果,轻松胜任光线充足的工况。
GLL 12-22 G / GLL 50 G˜ Professional 堅韌輕巧綠光雷射 快速校平 推薦族群:乾牆施作、木工、細木工、電工技師、冷熱配管、水管工程