GLN & BCEL Remittance Service
Enjoy the convenience and security of transferring money from your Korean account to Laos using the BCEL One app, available 24/7. Transfer Requirements: • For those who have a BCEL account, BCEL One and have a bank account in Korea. • Transfer funds up to 5,000 USD per transaction, with an annual limit of 50,000 USD.
GLN 與 BCEL 簽署協議,為韓國的寮國居民提供海外匯款服務
首爾,韓國, 2023年11月2日 — 全球支付網絡公司GLN International (GLN)於10月25日與老撾對外貿易銀行(BCEL)簽署協議,除了目前提供的跨境手機支付和提款服務外,還增加匯款服務。這一里程碑標誌著公司致力於擴大其跨境匯款業務。
BCEL, as the first bank in Lao PDR, has been selected and granted ...
BCEL, as the first bank in Lao PDR, has been selected and granted permission to introduce a cross-border money transfer service from the Republic of Korea via mobile through the BCELOne Application. On Wednesday afternoon, in October 2023, the Agreement Signing Ceremony between BCEL and GLN International Inc, took place at Lao Plaza Hotel in ...
BCEL-GLN Cross-border QR Payment ATM Services Launch
News BCEL-GLN Cross-border QR Payment ATM Services Launch | BCEL News Careers Forms Activities & Promotions Land and House Email LA BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE EXTERIEUR LAO PUBLIC
GLN International, in collaboration with the Lao state-owned bank BCEL …
- Financial freedom for earthlings, GLN - Global Life Navigator. GLN International, in collaboration with the Lao state-owned bank BCEL, will implement a remittance service.
GLN joins BCEL to offer Remittance Service for ... - IBS Intelligence
2023年11月28日 · GLN International, a global payment network company, has signed an agreement with BCEL (Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public) on remittance services in addition to cross-border mobile payments and ATM cash withdrawal services that …
GLN Signed an Agreement with BCEL to Activate Overseas …
SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- GLN International (GLN), a global payment network company, signed an agreement with BCEL (Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public) on...
GLN International, Launches Remittance Service to Laos in …
2024年5月31日 · With the launch of this international remittance service, Laotian citizens residing in Korea can now easily transfer funds to their home country using the GLN service integrated into BCEL's...
라오스 송금 쉬워진다..GLN, 라오스 최대은행과 송금 서비스
2024年5月30日 · bcel의 모바일 앱에 연동된 gln 서비스를 이용하면, 송금은 물론 현재 송금 단계와 해외송금 연간 한도도 조회할 수 있다. 특히 수취인 계좌 정보가 실시간으로 확인돼 착오 송금을 예방할 수 있다.
GLN International & BCEL team to launch remittance service to Laos
2024年5月31日 · In 2022, GLN formed a partnership with BCEL, providing services such as QR payments and QR cash withdrawals (ATM). With the launch of this international remittance service, Laotian citizens residing in Korea can easily transfer funds to their home country using the GLN service integrated into BCEL’s mobile app.
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