Glock P7? | Glock Talk
2013年2月11日 · But I had a weapon. I'd bought a Glock P7 for personal protection. It was wrapped in an oil rag and in a box on the shelf of a walk-in closet in the bedroom." I have never heard of a Glock P7 and I'm wondering if this was just a mistake on the author's part, or if there really was a Glock P7?
P7 | Glock Talk
2011年7月17日 · Forums. Firearms Forums
Picked up an early Heckler & Koch P7 :):) - Glock Talk
2017年1月25日 · The P7 was in production for nearly 30 years (1979-2008), so it had a relatively long life. While the squeeze cocking design was a bit polarizing, few people could deny its great build quality and accuracy. Once the P7 Series was discontinued, HK was an all polymer pistol manufacturer. However, the P7 pistols have not been forgotten.
Info on HK (Heckler and Koch) P7 (pee seven) - Glock Talk
2010年3月5日 · Takes P7 magazines (different then M8)-9mm capacity 8rnds. P7 European police trade-in's are graded A through C. As grade increases (A being best), visible wear decreases and price increases. P7's can be had from $500-$900 depending on grade, cleaning tools, box, paperwork, etc.
H&K P7M13 Review | Glock Talk
2013年8月24日 · The H&K P7M13 (and all P7 variants) is a very interesting gun. I've had mine for a while and every time it makes an appearance at the range it always seems to draw a crowd. Here's a summary of my impressions of the gun: Pros:-Extremely reliable. This gun has never had a single malfunction in my hands-Excellent trigger
Picked up another first year HK P7M8 :):) - Glock Talk
2019年3月23日 · The P7 was in production for nearly 30 years (1979-2008), so it had a relatively long life. While the squeeze cocking design was a bit polarizing, few people could deny its great build quality and accuracy. Once the P7 Series was discontinued, HK was an all polymer pistol manufacturer. However, the P7 pistols have not been forgotten.
P7 clones coming out. | Glock Talk
2025年1月23日 · And contrary to what many think, the P7 never was the common police and SWAT pistol in Germany and Europe. The famous GSG 9 issued it in the early 80's but replaced it pretty soon by Glock 17. Only 2 of 11 West-German state police issued P7 and from the very beginning, they weren't very happy with it.
Which HK P7 is Most Desired?? - Glock Talk
2018年4月26日 · If you do elect to carry a P7 get a belt/holster combo that cinches it down tight to keep the grip heavy balance in check. Also post pics if you get one, they are cool. Glock 17, 19, 21, 26, 26, 27, 32, 36 and 42.
Hard Chromed HK P7... - Glock Talk
2017年6月5日 · Here's my family of 9mm P7 Series guns. I think they're the finest pistols HK ever built. P7, P7M8, P7, P7M13, and P7M8
My shiny new ‘84 Heckler & Koch P7M8 :):) - Glock Talk
2017年3月25日 · The P7 was in production for nearly 30 years (1979-2008), so it had a relatively long life. While the squeeze cocking design was a bit polarizing, few people could deny its great build quality and accuracy. Once the P7 Series was discontinued, HK was an all polymer pistol manufacturer. However, the P7 pistols have not been forgotten.