POTD: The 9mm CZ Vz. 68 (ZB 68) or Skorpion Evo 2 SMG
2021年11月16日 · Many of you probably know about the original CZ Skorpion, the Vz. 61. It is a pretty compact and lightweight SMG, however, being chambered in .32 ACP, it’s a rather underpowered gun. Now, I bet not many of you know that there was actually a 9x19mm (9mm Luger) version of this subgun which never entered production though.
“蝎”式冲锋枪 - 枪炮世界
Vz.82与 Vz.65相比,主要是加强了机匣和缓冲系统以更好地承受膛压更高的9mm马卡洛夫弹,因此虽然枪管短了2mm,但机匣稍长一些,而且重量比Vz.65 有所增加。 “蝎”式冲锋枪枪族的最后一个型号在1990年代早期生产,包括有快慢机的军用型SA 391和只能半自动射击的民用型SA 91,这些型号均是发射西方国家流行的9×19mm派拉贝鲁姆弹。 目前捷克的CZ-UB仍在生产SA 391。 现在虽然捷克特种部队已经改用HK MP5冲锋枪,但“蝎”式冲锋枪仍然在捷克陆军和警察部队中 …
VZ 58, VZ 2008 - Glock Talk
2019年6月23日 · My solution was to get a proper VZ58 muzzle nut and that solved that problem. Finally, I liked the comfort of the fixed stock over the metal folder so I replaced it with a surplus beaver-barf stock. To date, it’s my favorite 7.62X39 caliber rifle especially after the upgrades I …
PDW on Steroids: the vz68 and the Skorpion 9×19
2022年7月15日 · In the 1990s, however, the new Czech Republic was looking for a new military submachine gun, specifically in 9x19mm. The CZ company (now a private concern) looked around for what it might already have available, and found the vz.68. A further series of prototypes were made, now designated “Scorpion 9×19”.
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Czechpoint USA VZ58 | Glock Talk
2017年5月31日 · CZ USA purchased both their Vz.58 rifles and Vz. 61 Scorpions from CzechPoint, until CzechPoint made the decision to be the sole distributor and grow the CzechPoint brand. Many people are under the incorrect assumption that CZ USA imported or manufactured the Vz.58 and Vz.61 – that is not the case.
A Tale of two VZ58s - lots of photos | Glock Talk
2019年7月12日 · The VZ-58 that I got has synthetic furniture, folding stock and a muzzle brake. I think that I got it either for $950 or $1050. It wasn't cheap, which is unfortunate because the price does drive off many prospective customers. On the other hand, VZ-58s don't fall off trees so supplies & demands and all that good jazz.
澳宋帝国的军队装备什么? - 知乎
自卫武器是glock和左轮。 北美帮还增加一部分莫辛纳甘和K31。 土著军队装备的是米尼步枪和各种口径火炮,包括滑膛炮和线膛炮。
《坦克世界》战车介绍,完全生错了时代,Vz 68 S定位尴尬
2024年12月11日 · Vz 68 S是8级捷克机炮轻坦,虽然怎么看都不太像;搭载的是1门50mm双管机炮,AP弹标伤8,穿深182,一梭子标伤800+,APCR弹标伤6,穿深236,一梭子标伤600+,HE弹标伤16,穿深50,一梭子标伤1600+,点4的精度,远射来说不是太差,打完1梭子用时将近4秒,收路费的话一次200打底,光看输出方面到没有太拉胯,但实战中却非常的难受。 Vz 68 S基础视野380,在8级眼车中算是比较好的,与8银相比多出10点视野,可身材却莫名的大 …
各位既然都玩VZ68了 那么我奉劝各位 - 百度贴吧
2024年12月7日 · 各位既然都玩vz68..放弃做人情节,尊重队友命运,开局大吼一声我vz68先干了!就这配件后坐力属于是ak变m4 300米一轮都能打300多 这里建议毛子把这车散步取消,改为向下压枪压后座。