GLOCK Inc. | GLOCK Polymer-Framed Pistols and Firearms
Experience the trusted name in firearms; GLOCK pistols provide precision, safety, and reliability in various caliber configurations and styles.
Discover the GLOCK G17 9mm Pistol
Learn about the GLOCK G17, a reliable and versatile 9mm pistol, and its features, specifications, and why it's popular among shooters of all disciplines.
Die Glocke (conspiracy theory) - Wikipedia
Artist's impression of Die Glocke Die Glocke (German: [diː ˈɡlɔkə], ' The Bell ') was a purported top-secret scientific technological device, wonder weapon, or Wunderwaffe developed in the …
Glock - Wikipedia
Glock (German: [ˈglɔk]; stylized as GLOCK) is a brand of polymer - framed, short-recoil -operated, striker-fired, locked-breech semi-automatic pistols designed and produced by Austrian …
格洛克手枪(英文:Glock Pistols),是奥地利格洛克有限公司(Glock GmbH)研制生产的一系列自动手枪的统称。最初的格洛克17手枪是奥地利格洛克有限公司于1983年应奥地利陆军的 …
Glock 19 ——〖枪炮世界〗
Glock 19是Glock 17的缩小型,尺寸、重量都更小,便于隐蔽携带。另外第三代的Glock 19还 生产有枪管及套筒顶端开防跳泄气孔的“C”型。但和 Glock 17一样,第四代、第五代的复进簧后坐 …
Explore GLOCK Pistols
GLOCK offers over 50 pistols in a variety of sizes, calibers and styles. Each GLOCK pistol was designed and engineered to respond to our customers’ needs. No matter which GLOCK pistol …
GLOCK G43X 9mm Pistol
Chambered in 9mm Luger the G43X features a compact Slimline frame with a black slide with an nDLC finish.
德语助手|德汉-汉德词典 Glocke是什么意思_Glocke的中文解释和发 …