Expasy - GlycoMod
GlycoMod is a tool that can predict the possible oligosaccharide structures that occur on proteins from their experimentally determined masses. The program can be used for free or derivatized oligosaccharides and for glycopeptides [Documentation / Mass values / References / Disclaimer].
Expasy - GlycoMod
GlycoMod is a program designed to find all possible compositions of a glycan structure from its experimentally determined mass. This is done by comparing the mass of the glycan to a list of pre-computed masses of glycan compositions.
GlycoMod - SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics | Expasy
Predict possible oligosaccharide structures that occur on proteins from their experimentally determined masses. The program can be used for free or derivatized oligosaccharides and for glycopeptides. Hosted by the Swiss-Prot group.
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics | Expasy
Operated by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Expasy, the Swiss Bioinformatics Resource Portal, provides access to scientific databases and software tools in different areas of life sciences.
GlycoMod--a software tool for determining glycosylation …
GlycoMod (http://www.expasy.ch/tools/glycomod/) is a software tool designed to find all possible compositions of a glycan structure from its experimentally determined mass. The program can be used to predict the composition of any glycoprotein-derived oligosaccharide comprised of …
Expasy - GlycoMod tool
underivatized permethylated peracetylated; monoisotopic average monoisotopic average monoisotopic average; Hexose (Hex) e.g. galactose, mannose, glucose: 162.0528
GlycoMod-一种用于根据质谱数据确定糖基化组成的软件工具 …
2001年10月30日 · GlycoMod(http://www.expasy.ch/tools/glycomod/)是一种软件工具,旨在从其实验确定的质量中查找聚糖结构的所有可能组成。 该程序可用于预测任何糖蛋白衍生的寡糖的组成,该寡糖包括未衍生的,甲基化或乙酰化的单糖或具有衍生化的还原末端。
GlycoMod - Bioinformatics DB
GlycoMod is a tool to predict the compositions of oligosaccharide structures in proteins using experimentally determined masses. The GlycoMod algorithm works for free, derivatized oligosaccharides and glycopeptides.
ExPASy - GlycoMod tool - UAM
GlycoMod is a tool that can predict the possible oligosaccharide structures that occur on proteins from their experimentally determined masses. The program can be used for free or derivatized oligosaccharides and for glycopeptides [Documentation / Mass values / Reference / Disclaimer].
Glycomod - SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics | Expasy
Glycomod in high-quality scientific databases and software tools using Expasy, the Swiss Bioinformatics Resource Portal.