EudraGMDP database | European Medicines Agency (EMA)
The EudraGMDP database is the Community database on manufacturing, import and wholesale-distribution authorisations, and good manufacturing-practice (GMP) and good-distribution-practice (GDP) certificates.
Eudra GMP - Public Layout - Europa
EudraGMDP is the name for the Union database referred to in article 111 (6) of Directive 2001/83/EC as amended, and article 91 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6. It contains the following information: Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificates. In addition the following new information is required in the database for the first time in 2013.
Eudra GMP - Public Layout - Europa
A certificate of Good Distribution Practice (GDP) is issued to a wholesale distributor by the national competent authority that carried out an inspection if the outcome of the inspection confirms that the wholesale distributor complies with Good Distribution Practice, as provided by European Union legislation.
欧盟药品监管机构与企业的GMDP信息枢纽 ——EudraGMDP数据库
2017年9月27日 · EudraGMDP数据库建立于2007年4月,由EMA负责维护与运行,但EMA对数据库的内容不负任何责任,任何涉及内容准确性问题都应提交相关国家监管机构。 EudraGMDP …
The MHRA-GMDP database contains the following information issued by the MHRA relating to manufacturing and wholesale authorisations and certificates. Manufacture of medicinal products in the UK...
Good manufacturing practice - European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Good manufacturing practice (GMP) describes the minimum standard that a medicines manufacturer must meet in their production processes. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) coordinates inspections to verify compliance with these standards and plays a key role in harmonising GMP activities at European Union (EU) level.
GMDP Academy (formerly IFAPP Academy) - Academy for Global …
GMDP Academy provides online and accredited continuing professional development for Medicines Development professionals.
Good distribution practice | European Medicines Agency (EMA)
2025年2月24日 · Good distribution practice (GDP) describes the minimum standards that a wholesale distributor must meet to ensure that the quality and integrity of medicines is maintained throughout the supply chain. Compliance with GDP ensures that: the right products reach the right addressee within a satisfactory time period.
GM (D)P Harmonisation
The harmonisation of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and more recently of Good Distribution Practice (GDP) is at the very heart of PIC/S. The development and promotion of high and harmonised GMP standards and guidance documents has been a key focus since the start.
Certification in Medicines Development (CMD) - GMDP Academy
GMDP Academy developed its certification to better prepare those who are seeking a competency-based education with a curriculum that aligns with the today’s evolving industry standards.