注意了!欧盟又一家具有IVDR认证资质的公告机构诞生! - 知乎
GMED(CE 0459)刚刚被 法国国家药品和健康产品安全局 (ANSM)指定为欧盟又一家具有体外诊断(IVDR)审核资质的公告机构。 因此,GMED从2021年8月20日起被授权根据(欧盟)2017/746号条例向制造商提供认证服务。 随着(欧盟)2017/746号条例于 2022年5月26日 生效,为了应对合格评估请求的强劲增长,GMED在其官网上表示,他们将继续部署其发展战略,投资于专家资源,加速其工具和流程的数字化,同时巩固其支持每个认证项目的方法,以便为其客 …
This guidance document contains information to help determine if a proposed change must be notified to GMED. This guide outlines the steps for submitting information related to a change …
RAPS Regulatory Convergence 6 - GMED Medical Device …
Learn more about GMED's RAPS Regulatory Convergence 6 and view more events, conferences, and forums related to the global medical device certification community.
Support – gMed
2025年3月10日 · Our team has identified an issue in the “Plan” section of visit notes or procedure notes that began on Sunday, March 16, 2025, with gGastro version 6.3.7. Previous gGastro versions are not impacted.
ggastro – gMed
2025年3月19日 · We plan on updating our gGastro® cloud clients to the latest version of gGastro, v.6.3.7, on Sunday, March 16, 2025, from 12:01 AM – 8:00 AM Eastern Time. Please note: The cloud environment will have intermittent periods of application inaccessibility during this time. There is no update to Desktop Client required for this version.
[EXPIRED] v.6.2 Release is Generally Available - gMed
2024年1月22日 · We are excited to announce the general availability of gGastro® version 6.2. Schedule Your Update: gGastro v.6.2 is available for on-premise installations as of today, Monday, January 22, 2024. Reserve your update spot for the v.6.2 release now. Please click here to schedule your update.
Gmed Pharmaceuticals
ENHANCEMENT & LIFE-STYLE PRODUCTS AVAILABLE. We work in a highly competitive field, so we’re constantly investing in technology and research to make sure we stay ahead of the curve. Please scratch panel “Authentication Code” or “Scratch Out to Find the Code” to show a …
Ce guide présente les étapes à suivre pour adresser les informations relatives à la modification ainsi que les étapes réalisées par GMED afin d’évaluer la modification et déterminer la …
GMED 6.30.13 10Q - SEC.gov
Globus Medical, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, is an engineering-driven medical device company focused exclusively on the design, development and commercialization of products that promote healing in patients with spine disorders. Since our inception in 2003, we have launched over 115 products and offer a product portfolio addressing a broad array of spinal pathologies.
GMED Module 6 Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Intracellular primary cations, Intracellular primary anions, extracellular primary cation and more.