GMW-B5000-1 | CASIO卡西欧官方网站
第一代 G-SHOCK 型号 DW-5000C 诞生于 1983 年。 其标志性的方形设计采用全金属防震结构及最前沿的先进功能,包括“智能手机连接”。 不断进化的坚韧手表,不断挑战新的高度。 坚韧 …
GMWB5000D-1 | Stainless Steel Full Metal Men's Watch G-SHOCK
The DW-5000C is the original G-SHOCK model from 1983. The GMW-B5000 Series has inherited its characteristic square design and been given the full metal treatment along with upgraded features including smartphone linking.
GMWB5000 Series Digital Watches Collection | G-SHOCK | CASIO
ACHIEVED THROUGH SYSTEMATIC EVOLUTION FROM ONE STAGE TO THE NEXT. The first G-SHOCK model DW-5000C was born in 1983. Its symbolic square design is reinvented with a full-metal shock-resistant structure and the latest advanced functions, including Smartphone Link. The only truly tough watch continues to challenge greater heights.
Introducing the GMWB5000 line of full-metal timepieces that delivers state-of-the-art functionality in a design true to the very first G-SHOCK. The GMWB5000-3 inherits this legacy and carries it forward in an effortlessly refined full-metal G-SHOCK design with a silver gleam accented by an outline of fresh green.
FULL-METAL SHOCK-RESISTANT STRUCTURE. ACHIEVED THROUGH SYSTEMATIC EVOLUTION FROM ONE STAGE TO THE NEXT. The first G-SHOCK model DW-5000C was born in 1983. Its symbolic square design is reinvented with a full-metal shock-resistant structure and the latest advanced functions, including Smartphone Link.
全金屬 - GMW-B5000 | G-SHOCK
我們運用了自身獨家的高密度組裝、小型化及省電技術,搭載多元功能卻不增加手錶的尺寸。 此一創新的功能演進包括同時搭載 Bluetooth ® 藍牙連線及世界六局電波的太陽能腕錶...等成就。 Bluetooth® 藍牙連線 + 太陽能電波. 視情況而定,時間校正可由 Bluetooth ® 藍牙連線或世界六局電波(Multi Band 6)執行,接收最近時區和日光節約時間資訊,確保隨時顯示正確的時間。 全自動 LED 背光(超亮照明) LED 背光會以高亮度光源照亮 液晶,可自動偵測周遭環境的環境 …
GMW-B5000PS-1PRT | CASIO卡西欧官方网站
这是一款特别版的G-SHOCK手表,重新制作了初代DW-5000C,并对螺旋背盖、表扣、游环部分进行了再结晶和深度硬化处理。 背盖采用黑色IP镀层,表扣和游环采用金色IP镀层。 为了减少环境负荷,表圈和表带使用了生物材料。 表盘上加入了“PROJECT TEAM ”Tough“”字样。 纪念40周年,背盖上印有纪念标志,游环上印有代表“40”的星形标记,左下方(40分钟位置)的按钮上刻有星形标记。 * 由于底盖采用螺钉锁紧结构,徽标和字母方向可能与表盘略有不匹配。 * 不锈钢部 …
GMW-B5000D-3 | CASIO卡西欧官方网站
gmw-b5000系列是对1983年发布的原版g-shock dw-5000c的全金属系列改版。 该新款腕表结合了智能手机连接和其他先进功能,同时保留了DW-5000C经典的外观。 通过在金属表圈和表壳之间插入细致的树脂缓冲层,形成了坚固的抗震金属结构。
G-SHOCK Metal Square Watch GMWB5000D-2 - CASIO
As beautiful as it is iconic, the metal G-SHOCK square GMWB5000D- 2 watch is one of G-SHOCK’s stunning blue face watches for men. The square bezel is designed after the original G-SHOCK 5000 series crafted in 1983, and that traditional look is still one of our best sellers. Always innovating, Casio G-SHOCK is famous for its ability to turn ...
Full-Metal G-Shock GMW-B5000: GMW-B5000D-1 & GMW-B5000TFG-9 Stainless ...
2018年3月1日 · These watches are the first “full metal” 5000-series models and feature a stainless steel exterior and inner case, screw-lock case back (with DLC coating), Tough Solar power, Multi-Band 6 radio timekeeping, STN LCD display, and Bluetooth mobile link connectivity.