Gnaw - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
To gnaw is to bite or chew. Your favorite food might be corn on the cob, because you love to gnaw along each row of kernels. To gnaw also means to deteriorate or wear away as if by …
GNAWED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
gnaw on A dog lay under the table, gnawing on a bone. chew Make sure you chew your food thoroughly. bite She bit into the apple. nibble She nibbled on peanuts while waiting for her …
GNAW | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
GNAW definition: 1. to bite or chew something repeatedly, usually making a hole in it or gradually destroying it…. Learn more.
【同義字】狼吞虎嚥、細嚼慢嚥怎麼說?教你不同吃東西方式的英 …
2021年6月26日 · The mouse gnawed the food that was putting on the table. 老鼠啃了放在桌上食物。 2. chew嚼、咀嚼. 嚼東西的意思,通常都是用來指嚼口香糖。 【例句】 The kid is chewing the gum. 孩童在嚼口香糖。 3. devour狼吞虎嚥地吃. 通常用來表示因為很餓所以吃東西吃很快。 = gorge = wolf down ...
Animals That Gnaw Their Food (13 Examples & Pictures)
2023年6月2日 · When we say gnawing animals, we think of long-toothed mammals called rodents. The name rodent originated from the Latin word “Rodere” meaning “to gnaw”. All rodents use their strong incisors to gnaw on hard food, such …
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GNAW Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of GNAW is to bite or chew on with the teeth; especially : to wear away by persistent biting or nibbling. How to use gnaw in a sentence.
gnaw - 搜索 词典
他 将 英镑 之类 的 硬通货 都 堆 在 他 位于 首都 马斯喀特 的 宫殿 中, 结果 却 招来 了 鼠 咬。 2. When you hear your own stomach rumbling with hunger, you 'll feel as if a large snake were …
Gnaw - definition of gnaw by The Free Dictionary
1. to bite or chew on, esp. persistently: The kitten gnawed the slippers. 2. to wear away or remove by persistent biting. 3. to form by gnawing: to gnaw a hole. 4. to waste or wear away. 5. to trouble or torment by constant annoyance; vex; plague. 6. …
GNAW中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Inequality gnaws at the moral fabric of society. In others, the larvae feed alongside adults by gnawing out shallow depressions on the fruiting bodies of fungi. Unlike humans whose …
GNAW definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems. [V + at/on] Melanie gnawed a long, painted fingernail. [VERB noun] If a feeling or thought gnaws at you, it causes you to keep worrying. Doubts were already gnawing away at the back of his mind. [VERB + at] Mary Ann's exhilaration gave way to gnawing fear. [VERB -ing]
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