General National Vocational Qualification - Wikipedia
There were different levels of GNVQ, namely the Intermediate level (equivalent to four General Certificates of Secondary Education) and Advanced level (equivalent to two Advanced-level General Certificates of Education).
General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQs) 1992-2007.
2011年11月12日 · Advanced GNVQ (level 3) provided access to HE as well as a foundation for further education or training and employment. The standard was comparable to GCE ‘A’ and ‘AS’ level. One vocational unit was equivalent to one sixth of an ‘A’ or one third of an ‘AS’.
NVQ Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - City & Guilds
Our quick look comparison guide tells you everything you need to know. If you've not got any prior experience and you don't feel confident about your abilities, then this level could be a good place to start. Entry level vocational awards. Ideal if you're just …
国外的高等教育学位制度是怎么样的?对应国内的学位呢? - 知乎
进入HND要求已经完成A-Level或者GNVQ Advanced的课程,中国的高中学生如果在某些方面(比如计算机)有特殊专长并且表现出相当好的语言能力的话,也有可能直接进入HND。
Vocational Advanced Level - Oxford Reference
Originally known as the Advanced General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ) and given its current title in 2002, this was a development which closely echoed the recommendation in the 1996 Dearing Review of Qualifications for 16–19‐Year‐Olds that GNVQs be renamed ‘Applied A …
英国教育体系 - 百度百科
完成预科的学生主要参加普通教育高级考试(general certificate of education,advanced level,简称 GCE-A level),而职业技校的学生除了要参加GCE-A level考试外,还要参加普通国家职业资格考试(General National Vocational Qualification,简称GNVQ)。
GNVQ explanation of results - AQA
General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQ) awards are reported on a three point scale: Pass, Merit or Distinction, of which Distinction is the highest. A Part One Foundation GNVQ is broadly equivalent to two GCSE subjects at grades D-G. A Part One Intermediate GNVQ is broadly equivalent to two GCSE subjects at grades A*-C.
GNVQ | ACE - Website
2016年3月28日 · GNVQ qualifications related to occupational areas in general, rather than any specific job and could be taken in a wide range of subjects. There were two levels of GNVQ: the Intermediate level, equivalent to four General Certificates of Secondary Education, and Advanced level, equivalent to two Advanced-level General Certificates of Education.
General National Vocational Qualification - Oxford Reference
2025年3月11日 · In 1999–2000 Advanced GNVQs were restructured to increase their compatibility with modular A Levels and, as part of the Curriculum 2000 reforms, became known as Vocational Advanced Levels. Foundation and Intermediate GNVQs remained an optional component of the Key Stage 4 curriculum in schools, and were included in the calculation of pupil ...
留学英国概述(下) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
高级水平考试 Advanced Level (A-Level) 准备进大学深造的学生通过GCSE后,进入大学预科班,经过两年的学习,通过了A-Level,即可申请大学。 A-Level是中学和大学的衔接课程,其考试成绩是从中学升入大学的考核标准。