Gopeed - A modern download manager
Open source, lightweight, native, supports (HTTP, BitTorrent, Magnet , etc.) for downloading.
介绍 | Gopeed 文档
Gopeed(全称 Go Speed),直译过来中文名叫做够快下载器(不是狗屁下载器!),是一款由 Golang + Flutter 开发的高速下载器,支持(HTTP、BitTorrent、Magnet)协议下载,并且支持 …
GitHub - otaxhu/goyp: Goyp - Build system that compiles Golang ...
Goyp (pronounced go - eep) is a Golang tool that uses go tool compile and go tool link Golang commands to compile and link your application together with any library that is in Go Object …
全平台高速下载工具,Gopeed软件体验 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
今天来看一款叫做 Gopeed 的开源下载软件,号称支持全平台高速下载。 说是全平台支持,但是目前很尴尬地暂时不支持iOS系统,其他的像是MacOS、Web、Android和Linux啥的倒是支持得 …
Gopeed - 一款支持全平台的开源、轻量、原生下载器 - 小众软件
2023年6月29日 · Gopeed 是一款支持全平台的下载器,开源、轻量、原生,支持(HTTP、BitTorrent、Magnet 等)协议下载。 拥有 Windows、macOS、Linux、Android 客户端,可以 …
Gopeed: Gopeed 是一款由 Golang+Flutter 开发的高速 ... - Gitee
Gopeed (full name Go Speed), a high-speed downloader developed by Golang + Flutter, supports (HTTP, BitTorrent, Magnet) protocol, and supports all platforms.
往来港澳通行证 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
往来港澳通行证(英語: Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao (EEP) ,葡萄牙語: Salvo-conduto de “ida e volta” para Hong Kong e Macau ) [1] [2] ,简称 …
goyp command - github.com/otaxhu/goyp - Go Packages
Valid go.mod file The Go module system was introduced in Go 1.11 and is the official dependency management solution for Go. Redistributable license
GopeedLab/gopeed 简介: Gopeed(全称 Go Speed),是一款 …
Gopeed(全称 Go Speed),是一款由Golang+Flutter开发的高速下载器,支持(HTTP、BitTorrent、Magnet)协议下载,并且支持全平台使用。
Convince me to go to EEP : r/EEP - Reddit
2024年2月29日 · Welcome to r/EEP, the official subreddit for Cal State LA's Early Entrance Program! Here, current and prospective students can connect, discuss coursework, share …
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