PR-1 - GO Regulator
The PR-1 Series is a versatile specialty pressure reducing control valve designed to fulfill a wide range of needs in instrumentation sample systems and other applications such as …
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PR-1 Series - GO Reg
r processing gases. Many features of the PR-1 make it ideal for a wide range of applications controlling pressures at low to moderate fl ows in ga. or liquid service. Stainless steel caps and …
GO PR1系列减压阀 - GO减压阀 - Go Reg
go pr1系列是一种多功能减压阀调节器旨在满足广泛的需求仪器样品系统和其他应用如半导体加工气体。 许多PR-1的特点使其非常适合各种应用控制压力在低到中等气体或液体介质中的流动。
Many features of the PR-1 make it ideal for a wide range of applications controlling pressures at low to moderate fl ows in gas or liquid service. 316L body material is used to facilitate welded …
Item # PR1-1A11A3G111, PR-1 Series Pressure Regulators
Stainless steel caps and adjusting screws prevent atmospheric corrosion and maintain appearance. Enhanced internal body surface finish of better than 25 Ra plus electropolishing …
PR-1 Series Pressure Regulators - Circle Valve Technologies Inc.
Stainless steel caps and adjusting screws prevent atmospheric corrosion and maintain appearance. Enhanced internal body surface finish of better than 25 Ra plus electropolishing …
美国原装进口的GO减压阀是一种自动降低管路工作压力的专门装置,它可将阀前管路较高的水压减少至阀后管路所需的水平。 减压阀广泛用于高层建筑、城市给水管网水压过高的区域、矿 …
GO PR1-1A11QHI11通用减压阀个系列特点及应用
PR-1系列是一种以满足广泛需求的多用途设计,仪器采样系统和其他应用,如半导体加工气体减压阀。 许多PR-1的功能使 得它非常适合在低到中等流量气体或液体广泛的应用控制压力的服.
PR1-1B11A3D114美国GO减压阀_美国GO阀门 - goregcn.com
go减压阀是一种自动降低管路工作压力的专门装置,它可将阀前管路较高的水压减少至阀后管路所需的水平。 减压阀广泛用于高层建筑、城市给水管网水压过高的区域、矿井及其他场合,以 …
316 L 不锈钢本体。 不锈钢的阀杆和调整手柄避免大气的腐蚀。 本体内部的表面光洁度为标准的 25 Ra或更小。 电抛光技术减少了阀内残存的颗粒加倍沾污到流体中。