GoTalk 9+ - Attainment Company
GoTalks provide fantastic sound with volume control, easy sequential recording, quick level erase, built-in overlay storage, record lock, level lock and 2-year warranty. It’s a GoTalk so it’s easy to use and affordably priced!
GoTalk 9+ Lite Touch - Attainment Company
GoTalks provide fantastic sound with volume control, easy sequential recording, quick level erase, built-in overlay storage, record lock, level lock and 2-year warranty. In addition to these classic GoTalk features, the Lite Touch device is five times easier to activate!
GoTalk 9+ Lite Touch Communication Device - eSpecial Needs
A great portable everyday communication device, the GoTalk 9+ Lite Touch is the easiest-to-use GoTalk yet. Features an extra sensitive touchpad and supports those with limited to no speech, providing excellent sound, easy sequential recording, built-in overlay storage, and more!
Go Talk 9 Augmentative Communication Device - Special Need …
The Go Talk 9 communication device is ideal for young children or for someone with more limited mobility. The speech device is lightweight and rugged, and very easy to use as well as program. There are 9 speech choices presented on one of 5 levels available.
GoTalk 9+ : Spectronics - Inclusive Learning Technologies
Attainment’s new GoTalk 9+ is a lightweight, rugged, powerful and portable communication tool, like all GoTalk devices. Use it for augmentative communication and curriculum enrichment! It is powerful with 45 possible messages – nine message keys each with five distinct levels.
GoTalk 9+ Communication Device | eSpecial Needs
Attainment`s new GoTalk 9+ is a lightweight, rugged, powerful and portable communication tool, like all GoTalk devices. Use it for augmentative communication and curriculum enrichment! It is powerful with 45 possible messages - nine message keys each with five distinct levels.
GoTalk 9+ Home Page - /turningpointtechnology.com
GoTalk 9+ is lightweight and rugged, like all GoTalks, and now has a 45 message capacity (9 keys, each 2; x 3", and 5 recording levels). Plus 3 core messages which stay the same on …
GoTalk 9+ with Overlay Software Home Page
GoTalk 9+ is lightweight and rugged, like all GoTalks, and now has a 45 message capacity (9 keys, each 2" x 3", and 5 recording levels). Plus 3 core messages which stay the same on …
Go Talk 9+ Lite Touch - MaxiAids
Go Talk 9+ Lite Touch provides fantastic sound with volume control, easy sequential recording, quick level erase, built-in overlay storage, record lock, level lock, and other terrific features.
GoTalk 9+ Lite Touch AAC Device by Attainment Company
The GoTalk 9+ Lite Touch AAC Device from Attainment Company is a simple, easy-to-use tool that enables active communication for those with difficulty vocalizing or those with speech pathologies. The device provides 5 levels of push-to-play buttons (9 buttons per level) that each emit a different recorded word or phrase when pressed.