Thyrotropin receptor antibodies and Graves’ orbitopathy
2020年8月4日 · The thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) is the key autoantigen in Graves’ disease (GD) and associated orbitopathy (GO). Antibodies targeting the TSHR (TSHR-Ab) impact the pathogenesis and the course of GO. This review discusses the role and clinical relevance of TSHR-Ab in GO. Review of the current and pertinent literature.
全面解析促甲状腺素受体(TSHR):甲状腺疾病的诊断与治疗新 …
2024年7月22日 · 促甲状腺素受体(Thyrotropin receptor, TSHR)是一种细胞表面糖蛋白受体,属于A类G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)超家族的LGR亚家族,并与Gs蛋白相连接。TSHR主要在甲状腺组织中表达,但其mRNA和蛋白也存在于神经组织、免疫细胞、眼肌、骨骼、脂肪细胞、红细胞、 …
A review of TSHR- and IGF-1R-related pathogenesis and …
Basic and clinical trials of TSHR-inhibiting therapies are increasing, and TSHR is an expected therapeutic target. Teprotumumab has become the latest second-line treatment for GO. This review aims to effectively describe the pathogenesis of GO from the perspective of target cells and target antigens and provide ideas for its fundamental treatment.
A review of TSHR- and IGF-1R-related pathogenesis and
2023年1月19日 · Basic and clinical trials of TSHR-inhibiting therapies are increasing, and TSHR is an expected therapeutic target. Teprotumumab has become the latest second-line treatment for GO. This review aims to effectively describe the pathogenesis of GO from the perspective of target cells and target antigens and provide ideas for its fundamental treatment.
A review of TSHR- and IGF-1R-related pathogenesis and
2023年1月18日 · Basic and clinical trials of TSHR-inhibiting therapies are increasing, and TSHR is an expected therapeutic target. Teprotumumab has become the latest second-line treatment for GO. This review aims to effectively describe the pathogenesis of GO from the perspective of target cells and target antigens and provide ideas for its fundamental treatment.
壹生资讯-Graves甲亢的免疫治疗进展 | 郑旭琴教授盘点
2025年1月14日 · Graves甲状腺功能亢进症(Graves甲亢)的特征是患者体内产生刺激性促甲状腺激素受体(TSHR)的自身抗体,导致甲状腺激素分泌过多。 研究传统的治疗方法包括抗甲状腺药物(ATD)、放射性碘治疗或手术,但ATD治疗疗程长,停药后复发率较高;后两种治疗方法可 ...
GO is the most common extrathyroidal manifestation of GD and is caused by persistent, unregulated stimulation of TSHR-expressing orbital target cells (e.g. fibroblasts and pre-adipocytes). Serum TSHR-Ab and more specifically, the stimulatory Ab (TSAb) are observed in the vast majority of patients with GD and GO.
Genetic associations of the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor gene ...
2016年7月26日 · Genetic associations of the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) gene with GD and GO have been studied in different population groups for a long time. We aimed to obtain a...
TSHR- 信号通路|蛋白抗体-华美生物
TSHR的异常激活或失调与多种疾病有关,如Graves病(GD)患者产生自身抗体激活TSHR,导致甲亢,并可能发展为Graves眼病(GO),引起眼部肌肉肿胀。 TSHR功能失调也会影响甲状腺激素生成,引发甲减。
Modulating TSH Receptor Signaling for Therapeutic Benefit
In this review, novel pharmacological strategies with allosteric small-molecule modulators to treat GO and GD on the level of the TSHR and/or the TSHR/IGF-1R cross-interaction will be discussed. Moreover, monoclonal antibody approaches targeting the TSHR or the IGF-1R and thereby preventing activation of either receptor will be presented.