grammar - Difference between "to" and "to the" - English …
2015年5月8日 · "I go to school five days a week." "When I go home, I pass by the airport." When referring to a specific building, the article is used. "Can you tell me where the school is?" Also, …
grammaticality - Is "a ways to go" grammatically correct? - English ...
As Peter Shor said, Ngram shows evidence of this. The Corpus of Contemporary American English gives me 138 hits for "a ways to go" and 193 for "a way to go". Many of these hits are …
etymology - Meaning of "go figure" and its origin? - English …
Go figure people—Scott Turow {fr Yiddish gey vays, "go know"} Notwithstanding the "contradictory or astonishing" language in Chapman & Kipfer's definition of "Go figure," the …
I "go by" this name - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2013年8月7日 · Often times when I go to fill forms and apply for programs at government agencies or other places, they often ask me whether I have another name that people call me. …
phrasal verbs - Go off vs go on? - Go off vs go on? - English …
2019年6月27日 · Really common verbs like go, come, have, do, look, hear, take, give, bring, get, seem, and some others (note how short they are) are likely to be used in idioms. One of the …
What’s the difference between "Are you going" and "Will you go"?
2015年8月21日 · 6— (a) used to express determination, insistence, persistence, or willfulness • I have made up my mind to go and go I will; (b) used to express inevitability • accidents will …
Origin of going "number 1" or "number 2" in the bathroom
2016年4月13日 · This site mentions an old school room signal that children would use to ask to go to the restroom (holding up 1 or 2 fingers). But then a post further down claims that is just an …
"Going to go" vs "going to" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2012年6月9日 · "go to golf/chess club/rugby practice etc" tends to imply going along to an 'organised event' that happens on a regular basis. So saying "go to shopping" doesn't usually …
Where does this proverb come from? “If you want to go fast, go …
2023年4月18日 · Planned maintenance impacting Stack Overflow and all Stack Exchange sites is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 13:30 UTC - 16:30 UTC (9:30am - 12:30pm ET). …
etymology - Origin of the idiom "go south" - English Language
2011年9月19日 · go south (also head south, take a turn south) 1 v phr by 1940s To disappear; fail by or as if by vanishing [examples omitted] 2 v phr by 1925 To abscond with money loot, etc. …