Godo Primer Overhaul! : r/CompetitiveEDH - Reddit
2023年4月23日 · Godo ticks all the boxes as a home for [[The One Ring]]. We can easily get this down on turn 1-2, and the card advantage it provides from there is the real deal. Keeping a hand for an early Ring will typically be a turn slower than other turbo starts, but is much more likely to force the combo through with protection, and is well set up for ...
Is Godo somewhat viable now? : r/CompetitiveEDH - Reddit
2018年3月15日 · Godo is a 1 card combo in the command zone which makes him superior imo. He can be built as mono red stax stompy (like legacy) or just all in fast combo similar to mono b sidisi ANT. Imo I think the stax version is a bit more adaptive to pods of stax, midrange, or combo.
Godo...? Godo. : r/CompetitiveEDH - Reddit
2020年8月7日 · As a 2-year cedh Godo player who mostly plays in a control meta, here are my thoughts. I usually have a 30-40% win rate using him, as a good opening hand will usually yield a turn 2 attempt at winning, and if you were to go first or if lands are untapped it is an easy win. The best piece of advice I can give to you if you decide to
Waiting for Godo - a cEDH primer : r/CompetitiveEDH - Reddit
Hey everyone! Since the Dominaria spoilers, I've been working on a deck featuring the Godo, Bandit Warlord combo with the soon-to-be released Helm of the Host. It's been performing quite amazingly in our local cEDH playgroup, and I wanted to share what I've learned so far. I've written a Godo/Helm primer over on tapped out.
Is Godo + Helm of the Host always cEDH? : r/EDH - Reddit
Godo helm is essentially a 1 card infinite. 0 card if it’s your commander. Even in a table with interaction, sometimes people don’t draw the interaction or you have a deflecting swat. I play CEDH, and would only play Godo if everyone understood it’s a …
Is Godo still the best “beginner” cEDH deck? : r/CompetitiveEDH
2022年8月10日 · Godo has the benefit of being a deck with fewer interactive pieces than most other decks. The hardest parts of piloting the deck are (imo) mulliganing and timing your win attempt. It’s the most beginner friendly. Winota, being a stax deck, has a few more challenges involved with it. Staxing your opponents is great!
Waiting for Godo Primer Updates : r/CompetitiveEDH - Reddit
2023年9月5日 · Hello folks! It's been a while, but I'm back with another round of updates for cEDH Waiting for Godo. Hopefully you enjoy the thought process, and feel free to ask questions or offer up suggestions in the comments :) OUT: [[Twinshot Sniper]] Twinshot Sniper was added along with Cloudstone Curio as an outlet for many curio loops.
Godo Bandit Warlord CEDH Deck Tech - Up & Running - Reddit
2020年4月3日 · I play Godo pretty religiously in my cEDH pods and wanted to point out a couple of interesting nuances about the deck that I've learned. First: When you combo with Godo, each new token lets you search for a new equipment. This lets you get the hammer if you don't already have it, and the next token lets you get Argentun Armor.
CEDH Gameplay | $100 Budget CEDH Challenge | Godo vs Gitrog …
2020年12月4日 · Godo definitely seems the most dangerous on a budget since he wins all by himself. Poor vial smasher/thrasios spent the entire night saving the table and not really working towards winning at all. I'm also not super familiar with cEDH, so I don't even understand what the gitrog deck was working towards, just kept playing lands and not doing ...
I Made a Detailed Godo Helm Combo Primer - Reddit
2019年2月15日 · I don’t play Duel Commander but I enjoyed your video on Godo, coming from a multiplayer perspective. An all-in combo deck like that doesn’t need to change its mission statement between Duel and multiplayer so much imo, which makes it more relevant to me. Your commentary and editing are very high quality, thanks for posting!