流体中石墨烯折纸拉胀超材料锥形梁:通过物理嵌入式机器学习模 …
本文对浸入流体中的功能梯度 (FG) 石墨烯折纸 (GOri) 拉胀超材料 (GOEAM) 锥形梁的非线性自由振动和后屈曲行为进行了数值研究,特别关注负泊松比 (NPR) 的影响)关于非线性频率和后屈曲平衡路径。 新型 GOEAM 的超材料特性由基于物理嵌入式机器学习的微力学模型决定。 梁变形由 Timoshenko 梁理论和 von Kármán 非线性控制,并使用微分求积法 (DQM) 求解控制方程。 使用速度势函数和伯努利方程计算施加在梁表面上的流体压力。 综合参数研究表明,由于使用了 …
Graphene origami-enabled auxetic metamaterial tapered beams in …
2023年10月1日 · Effect of negative poisson's ratio on nonlinear free vibration and postbuckling behaviour of FG-GOEAM beam is investigated in detail. Metamaterial properties of GOEAM are determined by physics-embedded machine learning assisted micromechanics model. FG-GOEAM beam greatly outperforms its pristine metallic counterpart due to GOri reinforcement.
具有可调屈曲和后屈曲阻力的功能梯度石墨烯折纸启用的拉胀超材 …
本文研究了功能梯度 (FG) 石墨烯折纸 (GOri) 启用的拉胀金属超材料 (GOEAM) 梁的屈曲和后屈曲特性。 该梁由多个 GOEAM 层组成,其中 GOri 含量以分层模式变化,以通过梁厚度实现梯度变化的泊松比和刚度系数。 每个 GOEAM 层的材料特性由遗传编程 (GP) 辅助微机械模型估计。 采用一阶剪切变形理论和 von Kármán 型非线性来推导通过微分求积法 (DQM) 数值求解的非线性控制方程。 数值研究主要集中在 GOri 含量、分布模式、折叠程度和温度对 FG 超材料梁的屈曲和 …
Free vibration and buckling analysis of FG graphene origami …
2025年1月13日 · Functionally graded (FG) graphene origami (GOri)-enabled auxetic metamaterials (FG-GOEAM) have received much attention due to their excellent mechanical properties. In this study, the buckling and free vibration behaviours of FG-GOEAM beams supported by elastic foundations in a thermal environment are investigated.
Tunable nonlinear bending behaviors of functionally graded …
2022年12月1日 · Functionally graded (FG) graphene origami (GOri)-enabled auxetic metamaterial (GOEAM) structures have shown great potential for various engineering applications due to their exceptional mechanical and physical properties such as high strength-to-weight ratio, tuneable stiffness and strength, and negative Poisson's ratio (NPR).
Machine learning-assisted vibration analysis of graphene-origami ...
2024年4月1日 · The novel machine learning model can accurately and efficiently predict the vibrational characteristics of FG-GOEAM beams. Fluid viscosity and density provide a damping effect on the natural frequency and restrains beam deflection.
Static and dynamic instability of functionally graded ... - NASA/ADS
Functionally graded (FG) graphene origami (GOri)-enabled auxetic metamaterial (GOEAM) structures have shown great potential for various engineering applications due to their exceptional mechanical and physical properties such as high strength-to-weight ratio, tuneable stiffness and strength, and negative Poisson's ratio (NPR).
浸入粘性流体中的石墨烯折纸超材料梁的机器学习辅助振动分 …
2024年2月1日 · 本文研究了浸没在牛顿流体中的功能梯度石墨烯折纸拉胀超材料 (fg-goeam) 梁的自由和受迫振动行为,特别关注负泊松比 (npr) 对固有频率的影响和梁的动态响应。
goeam - GitHub
2024年4月7日 · goeam has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Static and dynamic instability of functionally graded
2023年6月3日 · Functionally graded (FG) graphene origami (GOri)-enabled auxetic metamaterial (GOEAM) structures have shown great potential for various engineering applications due to their...
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