GOES-NOP - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The GOES-N series consists of GOES-13, GOES-14, and GOES-15. Click here for the GOES-N Series Data Book. Click here for information about the current status. The main mission is carried out by the primary instruments, the imager and sounder.
GOES-N, O, P - eoPortal
2012年5月29日 · GOES N-P series spacecraft are based on the BSS (Boeing Satellite Systems) 601 satellite platform that allows for the provision of continuous real-time observations of dynamic events and better pointing capabilities to locate severe weather events.
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-N/O/P (GOES …
2005年5月24日 · The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-N/O/P (GOES N-P), renamed GOES-13, -14, -15, are vital contributors to weather, solar, and space operations and science. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) is responsible for procuring, developing, and testing the spacecraft, instruments, and unique ground equipment.
GOES Space Environment Monitor-Documentation | NCEI
GOES-10 (aka GOES-K) was launched on April 25, 1997 from the Cape Canaveral Launch Complex and after 12 1/2 years of faithful service was decommissioned from NOAA's satellite fleet. GOES-14 is now the primary source of X-ray Sensor (XRS) data used by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC).
NOAA and NASA have developed a new generation of geosynchronous meteorological/environ-mental satellites, designated GOES-N,O,P, that will continue and enhance the previous generation of GOES satellites. The next generation of satellites will provide a continuation of meteorological/envi-
Figure 1. Wavelength responses of the GOES EUV sensors for the A-E bands. Figure 2. Available EUV measurements from GOES satellites. GOES 13 began operations in 2006, GOES 14 began in 2009, and GOES 15 began in 2010. The raw count data is converted into irradiances using measured detector response curves and quiet sun reference spectra.
GOES N, O, P, Q / EWS-G 1, 2 - Gunter's Space Page
2024年4月20日 · The GOES program is funded and operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Based on the highly successful BSS-601 spacecraft, the new satellites will provide more accurate location of severe storms and other weather phenomena, resulting in more precise warnings to the public.
GOES Image Navigation and Registration (INR) Statistics | OSPO
The GOES-R series spacecraft and instruments continue the heritage of the NOAA GOES program to provide weather observation imagery on a continuous basis from geosynchronous orbit. Performance requirements have been upgraded for both the GOES-R series spacecraft as well as for the instruments.
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-NOP Series
GOES is a series of satellites that provide a constant vigil for the atmospheric "triggers" for severe weather conditions such as tornadoes and hurricanes. GOES-P, the third spacecraft in the GOES-NOP Series of satellites, launched March 4, 2012 from …
the GOES‐R series magnetometers relative to the measurements from the GOES‐NOP magnetometers can be assessed. The magnetic field data from the older satellites are also cross‐compared in a similar manner to verify that shifts in …