Plastic Sheet Manufacturer & Supplier | GOEX
GOEX is the leading US manufacturer and supplier of rigid plastic sheet, specializing in custom plastic rollstock and sheetstock applications for a variety of markets.
History of GOEX in Janesville, WI
Providing high-quality, custom-extruded rigid plastic sheet for our customers in the medical packaging, food packaging and print-on-plastics industries, GOEX continues to be a trusted …
About Us - GOEX
GOEX makes Quality Custom Plastic Sheets in Janesville, Wisconsin providing innovative plastic solutions.
User Login - GOEX
GOEX is the industry leader in extruding a wide variety of resins into quality custom rigid plastic sheet and roll stock products.
High Impact Polystyrene Sheets (HIPS) - GOEX
GOEX is a leading US supplier of HIPS (high impact polystyrene) sheet successfully servicing the medical packaging, food packaging and print-on-plastic markets.
About Us > Interstate Milk Shippers - GOEX
GOEX is the industry leader in extruding a wide variety of resins into quality custom rigid plastic sheet and roll stock products.
Vol. 26: Finishing Second Manufacturing Location > GOEX
As the final touches are being put on the new GOEX extrusion facility in Cedar City, Utah, we look upon the legacy we are building and what it takes to make this realization happen. Since our …
Vol. 27: Opening Cedar City, UT Location > GOEX
GOEX is a prime supplier of this recycled PETG made with up to 100% recycled content. As part of our RE•COVER™ program, this material incorporates recycled content into the core while …
Vol. 30: Adding Barrier Capabilities - GOEX
When you are designing your next package for meats, cheese, fish, fresh pastas, dips or anything requiring additional barrier properties, contact GOEX to see how we can help put our plastic to …
Vol. 32: Continuing the Legacy - GOEX
Read our current edition of the GOEX Sheetline newsletter: Volume 32, for the most recent news at GOEX.