Adjuvant Chemotherapy plus Radiation for Locally Advanced Endometrial ...
2019年6月12日 · The purpose of the current trial (GOG 258) was to evaluate the use of concurrent tumor volume–directed external-beam radiation therapy and chemotherapy (i.e., chemoradiotherapy) as compared with...
GOG 258 Final Results: No Improvement in Survival by Adding ...
2023年5月25日 · The long-running randomized NRG Oncology GOG-258 clinical trial failed to identify an overall survival benefit with adjuvant chemoradiotherapy vs chemotherapy alone in any subgroup of patients with locally advanced endometrial cancer. After a median follow-up of 112 months, the hazard ratio for overall survival with chemoradiotherapy was 1.05.
Adjuvant Chemotherapy plus Radiation for Locally Advanced …
2019年6月13日 · Methods: In this randomized phase 3 trial, we tested whether 6 months of platinum-based chemotherapy plus radiation therapy (chemoradiotherapy) is associated with longer relapse-free survival (primary end point) than six cycles of combination chemotherapy alone in patients with stage III or IVA endometrial carcinoma.
Can Immunotherapy Replace Radiation in Locally Advanced …
2023年11月1日 · Based on PORTEC 3 and GOG 258, which are phase 3 randomized trials, evidence supports concurrent chemoradiation in the treatment of LAEC. Although chemotherapy alone resulted in comparable RFS and OS compared with concurrent chemoradiation in GOG 258, 11 the high rates of locoregional recurrence in the chemotherapy-alone arm underscores the ...
Overall survival among patients in GOG-0258 by molecular …
GOG-0258 was a phase III randomized trial (NCT00942357) comparing CRT and CT with a primary endpoint of RFS. OS was a secondary endpoint. Immunohistochemistry was performed to determine MMR and p53 status. χ 2 and Kruskal-Wallis tests were performed for variables. Kaplan-Meier curves and adjusted Cox proportional hazards models were used.
Analysis of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) for GOG-258, a …
2018年6月1日 · Background: Protocol GOG-258 randomized Cis-RT+CP or CP for 6 cycles to patients (pts) with stage III/IVA endometrial carcinoma (Matei et al, ASCO 2017). Recurrence-free survival was the primary endpoint and was not increased by addition of RT.
Updates in Adjuvant Therapy for High-Risk and Locally Advanced ...
GOG 258 is a randomized, phase 3 trial that enrolled 813 women with high-risk endometrial cancer between 2009 and 2014 to postoperatively receive chemo alone versus chemoRT . TAH-BSO with or without lymphadenectomy was required to be performed within 8 weeks of initiation of adjuvant treatment.
一文读懂子宫内膜癌的术后辅助治疗 - 丁香园 - DXY.cn
GOG-258 试验又显示:子宫内膜癌使用放疗序贯化疗的生存情况和单纯化疗相当,但局部及盆腹腔淋巴复发率低。 放疗和化疗的联合有采用夹心疗法(化疗 3 疗程→放疗→化疗 3 疗程)和序贯疗法(如 PORTEC-3 试验中同期放化疗→TC×4 疗程),目前孰优孰劣尚无定论。
SGO速递|GOG-258和PORTEC-3之后:Ⅲ期和Ⅳ期子宫内膜癌如何 …
2019年4月3日 · SGO速递|GOG-258和PORTEC-3之后:Ⅲ期和Ⅳ期子宫内膜癌如何治疗? 美国妇科肿瘤学(SGO)是全国首屈一指的专业致力于妇科肿瘤的研究、治疗与教育的非营利性医学组织。 2019年第50届SGO妇女癌症年会汇集了妇科肿瘤学专业最优秀、最杰出的妇科肿瘤专家,一起分享有关妇科恶性肿瘤治疗的最新研究。 免责声明: 本网所发布的会议通知,如非特别注明,均来源于互联网,本网转载出于向广大妇产科医生及妇产科从业者传递更多信息、促进学术交流 …
Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone for …
The GOG-258 trial compared chemoradiotherapy (the same schedule as used in the PORTEC-3 trial) with six cycles of carboplatin–paclitaxel chemotherapy alone. No differences in overall or recurrence-free survival were reported, but significantly more vaginal and pelvic or para-aortic recurrences were reported in the chemotherapy group.