  1. Dental Gold Onlays and Crowns – Posterior Teeth – V.6

    • Now we will discuss the options for dealing with a single tooth where the damage due to fracture, old restorations and decay is more significant than can be managed by a simple inlay or even inlay-onlay. The to… 展开

    Gold Onlays

    Now we are discussing the most conservative gold restoration that will cover the entire occlusal, biting surface of the tooth. As we say, the inlay is a class II, not usually covering any cusps, and the inlay-onlay may cover … 展开

    The Full Coverage Gold Crown – The “Cap”

    Instead of using the missing internal parts of the tooth for retaining a cast gold restoration, sometimes it seems beneficial to simply bring the gold down to the gumline all around the tooth – facial and lingual walls as … 展开

    Partial Veneer Crowns – The Esthetic Gold Crown

    While the gold onlay is an esthetically conservative crown preparation, if the lingual surface of the tooth has enamel that is in poor condition due to decay, fracture or prior restorations, the onlay can also be made with the lin… 展开

    The Making of A Gold Crown

    As we saw in the chapter on Inlays (visit Chapter V.5), fabrication of a gold restoration has many steps. These include the impression, pouring the models, sectioning and trimming the die, making the wax pattern, inve… 展开

  1. Cast gold Inlay restorations | PPT - SlideShare

  2. Cast Gold Restoration, Part 2: Gold Inlay Preparations

    2020年12月14日 · This video is about Cast Gold Inlay Preps #4 DO and #5 MO, replacing two amalgams that had recurrent decay. Dr. Stevenson works under a rubber dam isolation...

  3. Preparation, Temporisation & Bonding protocol - Two Dentists

  4. The Cast Gold Occlusal Onlay: A Conservative …

    2009年1月1日 · review of the technique for the preparation and placement of the posterior cast gold occlusal onlay

  5. Modern Cavity Preparations - Dentistry Today

    2019年10月1日 · The shape and exaggerated volume of the cavosurface area generated a partial compression joint (a Calla Lily-style occlusal shape) and, in larger occlusal gold restorations, a full compression joint with an invisible gold …

  6. 17: Class II Cast Metal Restorations - Pocket Dentistry

    2015年1月9日 · A mesio-occlusal preparation for an inlay is illustrated in Figure 17-19, A and B. If a distal surface lesion appears subsequent to the insertion of a mesio-occlusal restoration, the tooth may be prepared for a disto-occluso …

  7. Seven-step tooth preparation for a gold onlay - ScienceDirect

  8. Seven-step tooth preparation for a gold onlay - PubMed