最著名的间谍照相机 美乐时 MINOX - 知乎
MINOX -最著名的间谍照相机,算是小众收藏品里的大众品牌。 1934年发明人Walter Zapp从一个火柴盒大小的小木块开始了研发MINOX的工作,经过了两年的努力,1936年第一台原型机问世,采用镀银外壳,型号为ur Minox。
Mynox® Gold - Minerva Biolabs GmbH
Mynox® Gold is a combination of a standard antibiotic ciprofloxacin with the biological Mynox® reagent surfactin. One application includes an initial treatment that eliminates most mycoplasmas without affecting the cells. The follow-up treatments destroy the remaining mycoplasmas.
Minox MDC Gold | A00758 - Leitz Auction
Limited edition of 555 gold-plated cameras (24K), with MC Minoxar 2.8/35mm, in absolutely mint, unused condition, with wooden presentation box, papers and maker's box.
MINOX AX GOLD - Minox/Miniature - Photo.net
2017年1月20日 · Minox AX gold / AX gold II has a very solid feel, it weight 127g. The shell of Minox AX gold/ AX gold II is made from heavy gauge copper alloy, not aluminium, hence the hefty weight, heavier than the larger size aluminium body Minox LX (88g), and even heavier than the steel body Riga Minox (120g) .
35mm - Minox 35mm Collection - submin
The special limited edition of 555 piece are finished in 24 caret gold and supplied in a heavy wooden presentation box with a cloth used to handle the camera. This is purely a collector's camera.
Minox: Minox AX Gold (50 Years Minox) Price Guide
2018年11月24日 · Minox: Minox AX Gold (50 Years Minox) - c1995. 9.5mm film (8x11mm exposures), sub-miniature camera. Limited edition, 250 cameras. With engraved signature of Walter Zapp. Also known as Minox AX II.
Minox Digital Camera DCC GOLD 24 karat - OpticsPlanet
Minox Digital Camera DCC LEICA M3 plus (5.0MP) GOLD 24 karat 60663 is an extraordinary combination of luxury and digital technology. The Minox Classic Camera DCC Gold features a stylish design of black and gold and comes in a dark, satin-lined wooden box with brass hinges.
Minox AX - Minox 8x11 Collection - submin
2004年7月21日 · Looking like an LX without the meter the manual AX is reduced to the size of the Riga and A. Manufactured as a special, limited-edition collectible of only 500 briefly in early 1992 to celebrate some anniversary or other, the Minox AX is essentially the Minox III-s revisited.
Minox AX - Minox 8x11 Collection - submin
Last Updated on 21st July 20048x11 Subminiature Cameras Collection
Minox - Wikipedia
Minox (pronounced / ˈmiːnɒks / MEE-noks) is a manufacturer of cameras, known especially for its subminiature camera. The first product to carry the Minox name was a subminiature camera, conceived in 1922, and finally produced in 1936, by Baltic German Walter Zapp. [1]