Golden Toad :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General Discussions - Steam …
2018年12月13日 · not long ago i read about that in pathfinder exists holy artefacts, like this toad, which should give special bonuses (more, if you are a follower of the chosen god). But i assume, they have thought about it, but did not finish it. In this case, the toad does nothing, you can just sell it for some gold.
Golden Toad? :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General Discussions
2018年10月6日 · So I've picked up the amulet, but gotta admit that I'm a tad leery of putting it on; don't want to end up copping being turned into a permanent amphibian from some kind of curse! Has anyone got some insight into it? Given where it's found, I'm assuming that it's not just some kind of saleables and has significane for a quest further down the track.
Golden toad :: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced …
Golden toad So who else got it and what was the persons reaction to your pc before he gave it too you? < >
What's with the golden toad? :: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous ...
2024年7月21日 · The golden toad item show up in both Kingmaker and WotR. In KM, I just assumed it was a random piece of loot because, why not? But now that it shows up as a reward for a specific minor event and given who you receive it from (I'm trying to avoid spoilers), I'm assuming it's a reference to something.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Cave, Golden toad Spawn. Golden …
2023年8月3日 · Red lines are paths to Zones that have Toad Spawns; Orange circles are one of the Toad Spawns zones. I always check the caves 1st. If they don't have a door, that location isn't available. (Meaning it will look like rocks/cave-in.)
100% Achievement Guide - Steam Community
2023年8月15日 · Kill a Golden Toad. Golden Toads are one of the two sources of keys used to open stashes. They are randomly spawned. If one is nearby, you can use the audio cues of loud croaking and coins clinking to track them down. They will be jumping back and forth and will disappear if alerted. The best way to kill them is with a ranged weapon of your choice.
More Items in Sycamore Toad Chest :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker …
2021年2月20日 · In the Old Sycamore Depths, there is a chest with a Golden Toad. I've seen people write that it may be something similar to the Golden Pantaloons in Baldur's Gate and to maybe hold on to them or just sell it, but I've been more curious about the chest itself. After taking the statue from the chest, I noticed it still highlighted upon hitting Tab.
Golden Toad, where are you hiding? HR2 gift loots?
The golden toad may not even be an item one fishes for, I just thought since P liked seafood & asked for this, maybe it was ? I've been trying to breed fish; so far, I can breed frog fish, catfish, and golden salmon.
Golden toad Help !! :: NARAKA: BLADEPOINT General Discussions
2023年9月22日 · What's the best way to find them ? I spent hours trying to find them but no luck ! I need the achievement where I need to pray to a statue in stash ! please help.
Reaching Rank 8 Logistics :: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous ...
2021年9月26日 · If you care about the achievement keep the save in handy, perhaps if loding it after a fix ( I assume this will get fixed) you will get it. Thats how I got the Golden Toad one at least Thanks! It is the last Q for me aswell and i wanted to complete it!