Semenke bundeve - Golica - Značaj i zdravstvene prednosti
Kao što smo već rekli golica je posebna vrsta bundeve koja ima seme bez karakteristične tvrde opne pa se uglavnom gaji samo radi semena. Seme je maslinasto zelene boje, bez opne, bogato uljem, krupno, prijatnog ukusa i može se konzumirati sirovo ili termički obrađeno.
Golica - Wikipedia
Golica (1835 m) (German: Kahlkogel) is a peak in the Western Karawanks, on the border between Slovenia and Austria, above the Slovene town of Jesenice. It is known mainly for its fields of wild white narcissi , swathes of which cover Golica and surrounding pastures in …
Golica - Hribi
Golica je neporaščen vrh, ki se nahaja severno od Jesenic. Z vrha, ki ima vpisno skrinjico je lep pogled na zahodne Karavanke in del Julijskih Alp s Triglavom. Najprimernejši čas za obisk Golice je mesec maj, saj na pobočjih Planine pod Golico takrat cvetijo narcise, ki krasijo okolico.
Hiking in a flower paradise: Mt. Golica and its daffodils
2020年6月1日 · Read about where and when to hike Golica, the flower mountain of Slovenia. Not too far from Bled, a 1,835-m mountain Golica surprises with its carpets of white daffodil flowers creating a true spectacle of nature.
Golica (1,836 m) Slovenia Guide - Home of The Endless Daffodils
Golica, covered with daffodils, lies in the range of the Western Karavanke. The 1,836-meter-high Slovenian mountain peak is next to the Austrian border, not far from the Triglav National Park. Golica is known for the fact that the hillside is full of daffodils, which amaze hikers when it blooms.
Golica With Its Beautiful White Carpet Of Daffodils In Spring
Daffodils on Golica. Each spring, something magical happens on the slopes above the industrial town of Jesenice in northwestern Slovenia. Several of the normally lush green meadows on the mountainsides of Golica, a mountain on the Slovenian-Austrian border, turn …
Golica: Kalorije, nutritivna vrednost, zdravstvene koristi
2024年7月10日 · Golica, seme bundeve, izuzetno je hranljiva i korisna namirnica koja pruža brojne zdravstvene koristi. Bogata je važnim nutrijentima, poput proteina, zdravih masti, vlakana, vitamina i minerala, što je čini odličnim dodatkom svakodnevnoj ishrani.
Flower Hike on Golica - Exploring Slovenia
Due to endless fields of wild white daffodils, the flower hike to Golica is particularly popular in late April, May and early June, when they are in full bloom. However, it’s also known for the epic views of not only the Alps and Triglav, but the views as far as Austria’s Grossglockner.
Golica - Planinarenje.hr
Golica – Kraljica narcisa sa svojom nadmorskom visinom 1835 m je dio glavnog grebena na zapadnom djelu Karavanki. Nalazi se sjeverno iznad Jesenica, na granici između Slovenije i Austrije.
Magična golica: semenke bundeve za zdravu ishranu - Smart Fit
Semenke bundeve poznate i kao golica važe za izuzetno zdrave grickalice, s korisnim materijama. Saznajte šta semenke bundeve kriju i jesu li lekovite.