Gomibako – GomiBako ごみ箱
We create and sell niche anime related clothing and items
What does ごみ箱 (Gomibako) mean in Japanese? - WordHippo
Need to translate "ごみ箱" (Gomibako) from Japanese? Here are 3 possible meanings.
Gomi Bako Grumer | RangerWiki | Fandom
Gomi Bako Grumer (ゴミバコグルマー Gomi Bako Gurumā, Garbage Bin Grumer) is a garbage-themed Kurumaju from the Great Space Invasion Running Team Hashiriyan. The Sanseaters try selling Christmas costumes in the street when they were contacted by Grantu Risk, who orders them to capture Santa Claus and bring him as a tribute for Spindo.
Bakuage 42: Holy Night Presents | RangerWiki | Fandom
The Sanseaters are impatiently waiting for Gomi Bako Grumer to return with Santa Claus. Decotrade considers asking for Genba's help to procure them Santa, even imitating him while doing so. He then gets another idea and tells Itasha that she could convince Spindo that she's Santa thanks to her Santa costume.
ごみ箱 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年3月7日 · Compound of 塵 (gomi, “ trash, garbage ”) and 箱 (hako, “ box ”). The hako changes to bako as an instance of rendaku .
「garbage can」は日本語で何ですか? - HiNative
2023年11月17日 · In Japanese, the word for "garbage can" is "gomi-bako" (ごみ箱). "Gomi" (ごみ) means "garbage" or "trash," and "bako" (箱) means "box" or "container." So, when you combine the two, you get "gomi-bako," which translates to "garbage can" in English. Here's an example sentence using "gomi-bako":
ゴミ箱マップ | 街中のゴミ箱情報をシェアしよう!
2 天之前 · 外出先でゴミ箱が見つからなくて困ったことはありませんか? みんなで街中のゴミ箱情報をシェアしよう!
大型ごみ箱.shop – 大型ごみ箱専門店、自治会や町内会のクリー …
大型ごみ箱の専門店です。 当店は、自治会・町内会様など地域のごみ収集スペースにご利用いただく、 大型のごみ箱をセミオーダー形式で製造・販売 させていただいております。 メーカー直販・セミオーダーだからできる、 安心で明瞭な価格設定! あなたの町のごみステーションに、 丈夫で使いやすい、大型ごみ箱 を設置しませんか? まずはお気軽にお問い合わせください。 All rights reserved.
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gomibako - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2023年6月6日 · This page was last edited on 6 June 2023, at 10:25. Definitions and other text are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional ...