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什么是泰国DTV签证?适用人群及所需材料介绍!_泰国签证代办服 …
2024年7月25日 · DTV其实就是英文【Destination Thailand Visa】的缩写。 翻译过来就是泰国目的地签证,是泰国为吸引更多投资者推动泰国经济发展,而新推出的一种签证类型。
2024年8月10日 · 今年7月,泰国政府推出全新的签证——目的地签证(DTV),也叫数字游民签证。 该签证凭借着停留时间长、办理费用低、可多次往返等优势,一经推出就大受欢迎! 不过,由于DTV签证的官方文件比较简略,很多人对签证的申请条件、停留天数等都有疑问... 所以本期,维灿给大家聊聊申请DTV签证过程中,可能遇到的问题。 01“我在泰国工作能不能办DTV? 先说结论,从原则上来讲,不能。 DTV签证只有三种人能办: 第一种是数字游民或自由职业者;按照 …
GONDI: NFT Lending Marketplace
Borrow, Lend, or refinance on the most flexible and capital efficient NFT Lending protocol. Borrow WETH or USDC against your NFT assets. No oracle liquidations and cheaper gas fees. Also enjoy pro-rata interest and instant refinancing. Access yields on WETH or USDC by actively lending against NFTs.
GONDI V2 | Gondi V3 - NFT Lending Protocol
Launched in November 2023, GONDI V2 introduced Vaults and Flash Actions, among other improvements, cementing GONDI as the most flexible and advanced NFT lending protocol. To learn about the latest GONDI protocol upgrade, visit GONDI V3 .
Introducing GONDI | Gondi V3 - NFT Lending Protocol
GONDI is a decentralized peer-to-peer non-custodial NFT lending protocol that aims to offer the most flexible and capital-efficient primitive. GONDI V3 retains everything users love about GONDI, including pro-rata interest, instant loan refinance, and the lowest gas fees. It also introduces Tranche Seniority, enabling precise risk management.
FAQ | Gondi V3 - NFT Lending Protocol
Yes, with GONDI, you can still access token-gated communities and receive airdrops, even if your NFT is part of an outstanding loan. GONDI supports Delegate Cash for airdrop claims, and Tokenproof for event ticketing.
GONDI: NFT Lending Marketplace
Borrow & Lend using NFTs as collateral
NEW GONDI Tv - YouTube
HI FRIENDS! 🙏 WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL GONDI TV Videos of all festivals of Gondwana cultural tribal community are uploaded daily on New Gondi TV YouTube channel.
该网站深度剖析和全面涵盖数字电视领域的各个方面,包括但不限于DTV(Digital Television)标准的演进、高清与超高清视频传输技术的研发进展、IPTV、OTT等新型电视服务模式的创新实践,以及智能家居环境下智能电视的应用探索等热点话题。