Turn on 2-Step Verification - Computer - Google Account Help
You’ll receive Google prompts as push notifications on: Android phones that are signed in to your Google Account. iPhones with the Gmail app , the Google Photos app , the YouTube app , or the Google app signed in to your Google Account. Based on the device and location info in the notification, you can:
Get verification codes with Google Authenticator
You can save your codes safely in your Google Account with Google Authenticator. This helps protect you from being locked out of your account when you change devices. However, you may instead choose to use Google Authenticator without these protections. To use Google Authenticator without a Google Account:
Protecting your personal info with 2-Step Verification - Google Help
Google will turn on 2-Step Verification soon for many accounts. Using a second step to sign in is quick and easy, and it makes your Google Account much more secure. How 2-Step Verification works once it’s turned on. Keep your phone nearby when you sign in. If you sign in with a password, you’ll complete a second step, usually on your phone.
2‑Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivieren - Computer - Google Help
Wählen Sie unter „So melden Sie sich in Google an“ die Option 2‑Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivieren aus. Folgen Sie der Anleitung auf dem Bildschirm. Hinweis : Wenn Sie ein Konto von Ihrem Arbeitgeber, Ihrer Bildungseinrichtung oder einer anderen Gruppe verwenden, funktionieren diese Schritte möglicherweise nicht.
Turn on 2-Step Verification - Android - Google Account Help
Open your Google Account. In the navigation panel, select Security. Under “How you sign in to Google,” select Turn on 2-Step Verification. Follow the on-screen steps. Tip: If you use an account through your work, school, or other group, these steps might not work. If you can’t set up 2-Step Verification, contact your administrator for help.
Activar la verificación en dos pasos - Ordenador - Google Help
Abre tu cuenta de Google. En el panel de navegación, selecciona Seguridad. En "Cómo inicias sesión en Google", selecciona Activar la verificación en dos pasos. Sigue los pasos que aparecen en pantalla. Nota: Si usas una cuenta creada a través de tu trabajo, centro educativo u otro grupo, es posible que estos pasos no te sirvan.
開啟兩步驟驗證功能 - 電腦 - Google 帳戶說明
開啟兩步驟驗證功能後,如果您在登入帳戶時選擇使用密碼,就必須完成第二個步驟來驗證身分,為保護帳戶安全,Google 會要求您完成特定的第二個步驟。 使用 Google 提示. 如果您選擇不使用密碼金鑰登入,建議您將 Google 提示設為第二個步驟。您只要輕觸一下 ...
Ricevere i codici di verifica con Google Authenticator
Utilizzare Google Authenticator senza un Account Google. Con Google Authenticator puoi salvare i tuoi codici in sicurezza nel tuo Account Google. In questo modo, eviterai di perdere l'accesso al tuo account quando cambi dispositivo. Tuttavia, puoi scegliere di utilizzare Google Authenticator senza queste protezioni.
Włączanie weryfikacji dwuetapowej - Komputer - Konto Google
Aby zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo, Google może poprosić Cię o podanie kodu PIN lub potwierdzenie logowania w inny sposób. Używanie innych metod weryfikacji. Inne metody weryfikacji możesz skonfigurować, jeśli: chcesz zwiększyć ochronę przed phishingiem, nie otrzymujesz potwierdzeń od Google, Twój telefon został utracony.
How 2-step verification works - Google Help
2-step verification adds an extra layer of security to your Google Account. In addition to your username and password, you'll enter a code that Google will send you via text or voice message upon signing in. 2-step verification drastically reduces the chances of having the personal information in your Google account stolen by someone else.