Google Chrome - The Fast & Secure Web Browser Built to be Yours
Get things done in Gmail, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Google Translate and Google Drive, even without an internet connection. Frequently asked questions How do I …
Download and install Google Chrome - Computer - Google …
Windows 10 and up: After the installation is completed, a Chrome window opens. You can make Chrome your default browser . Tip: If you've used a different browser, like Firefox, you can import your settings into Chrome .
Google Chrome Web Browser
Get things done in Gmail, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Google Translate and Google Drive, even without an Internet connection. Frequently asked questions How do I install Chrome?
Google Chrome Web Browser
Get things done in Gmail, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Google Translate and Google Drive, even without an internet connection. Frequently asked questions How do I …
تنزيل Google Chrome وتثبيته
اختَر نظام التشغيل للجهاز الذي تريد تثبيت Chrome عليه. نزِّل الملف. انقل الملف على الجهاز الذي تريد تثبيت Chrome عليه. اتّبِع التعليمات الظاهرة على الشاشة لإكمال عملية التثبيت.
Télécharger et installer Google Chrome
Vous pouvez télécharger et installer sans frais le navigateur Web Chrome, puis l'utiliser pour naviguer sur le Web. Installer Chrome Important : Avant de télécharger Chrome, vous
Browser features and tools – Google Chrome
Discover the browser features and tools that set Google Chrome apart and keep you focused. From search to productivity, Google Chrome empowers you to get more done.
Téléchargez Google Chrome, le navigateur plus sécurisé et encore …
Utilisez Gmail, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Google Traduction et Google Drive même sans connexion Internet. Questions fréquentes Comment installer Chrome ?
Fazer o download e instalar o Google Chrome
Abra o Chrome. Windows 10 e versões mais recentes: uma janela do Chrome será aberta depois que a instalação for concluída. Você pode tornar o Chrome seu navegador padrão.
Google Chrome をダウンロードしてインストールする
Windows 10 以降: インストールが完了すると、Chrome ウィンドウが開きます。 ここで、 Chrome を既定のブラウザに設定 できます。 ヒント: これまで Firefox など Chrome とは別のブラウザをご利用になっていた場合は、 設定を Chrome にインポート できます。