How to cast: A quick start guide - Streaming Help - Google Help
Step 2. Download the Google Home app On your mobile device or tablet, download the Home app . Step 3. Set up Chromecast Follow the Chromecast setup instructions. Step 4. Cast content. Learn how to cast from Chrome or Chromecast-enabled apps to your TV. For more help with Android phones, go to Cast music & video from your phone to a device.
Transmitir do Google Chrome para a TV - Ajuda do Streaming
O dispositivo de streaming do Google precisa ter uma boa conexão Wi-Fi. Aprenda a resolver problemas de conexão do Chromecast e do Google TV Streamer. Um computador com os requisitos mínimos do sistema e uma conexão forte com a mesma rede Wi-Fi do dispositivo de streaming do Google. Uma versão atualizada do Google Chrome.
Sådan caster du – en startguide - Hjælp til Streaming - Google Help
Trin 2. Download Google Home-appen Download Google Home-appen på din mobilenhed eller tablet. Trin 3. Konfigurer Chromecast Følg denne enkle konfigurationsvejledning til Chromecast. Trin 4. Cast indhold. Se, hvordan du caster fra Chrome til dit fjernsyn eller caster fra Chromecast-kompatible apps til dit fjernsyn.
แคสต์จาก Chrome ไปยัง TV ของคุณ - Streaming ความช่วยเหลือ
คุณแสดงแท็บ Chrome หรือหน้าจอจาก PC ไปยังทีวีได้โดยใช้อุปกรณ์ Chromecast หรือ Google TV Streamer (4K) คุณสามารถแคสต์เนื้อหาเว็บส่วนใหญ่ได้ แต่ปลั๊กอินบางตัวจะไม่ ...
Streaming Ohjeet - Google Help
Korvaavan Chromecast with Google TV:n tai Google TV Streamer Voice Remoten käyttöönotto Google-striimauslaitteiden poistaminen Google-tililtä Googlen striimauslaite ei ole yhteydessä Wi-Fi-verkkoon
Configurer votre appareil Chromecast (3e génération ou ultérieur)
Redémarrez le Chromecast. Débranchez le routeur, puis rebranchez-le. Connectez-vous manuellement au SSID (Service Set Identifier) de votre Chromecast. Ouvrez l'application Paramètres de votre téléphone appuyez sur Wi-Fi connectez-vous au SSID de votre Chromecast. Ouvrez l'application Google Home et réessayez de configurer votre appareil.
Configurare il dispositivo Chromecast (3ª gen. o ... - Google Help
L'app Google Home ti indicherà i passaggi per configurare Chromecast e Chromecast Ultra. Se hai già configurato Chromecast su un dispositivo mobile, non è necessario configurarlo di nuovo su un altro dispositivo mobile se tutti i dispositivi sono collegati alla stessa rete Wi-Fi. Tocca per consultare una guida interattiva
Hjælp til Streaming - Google Help
Brug Google Assistent på dit fjernsyn med Chromecast og Google TV Streamer Afspil YouTube TV ved hjælp af din højttaler eller skærm og Chromecast Få adgang til Google Fotos på en højttaler, skærm eller Google-streamingenhed
Troubleshoot Chromecast and Google TV Streamer connection
Here are some things you might experience if your Chromecast and Google TV Streamer (4K) has a weak connection to either Wi-Fi or Bluetooth: The light on your Google streaming device is blinking. Your streaming device isn't discoverable in the Google Home app . The Google Home app says your streaming device is offline.
Updates to your Chromecast or Google TV Streamer
To enjoy the latest features available on Chromecast or Google TV Streamer, your device might need to update to the most recent software version. The update is done automatically as part of the setup, so you don't need to do anything. If you have a Chromecast with Google TV or Google TV Streamer, the update doesn't appear in the Google Home app.