Download and install Google Chrome
To use Chrome on Mac, you need macOS Big Sur 11 and up. On your computer, download the installation file.; Open the file named "googlechrome.dmg."
Descargar e instalar Google Chrome
Puedes descargar e instalar el navegador web Chrome sin coste económico y usarlo para navegar por la Web. Cómo instalar Chrome Importante: Antes de descargarlo, puedes comp
Download and install Google Chrome
To use Chrome on Mac, you need macOS Big Sur 11 and up. On your computer, download the installation file.; Open the file named 'googlechrome.dmg'.
Download and install Google Chrome
On your Android device, open the Google Play Store app . Or open Google Play Store. In the search bar, ...
Download a file - Computer - Google Drive Help
It should say "Including third-party cookies on this site" below the site exception for drive.google.com. If it doesn't, click Trash to remove the site follow steps 2-5 above. Under …
Download Chrome - Google Help
On your iPhone or iPad, open App Store.; In the search bar, enter Chrome.; Tap Get.. To install, follow the on-screen instructions.
Google Chrome herunterladen und installieren
Sie können den Chrome-Webbrowser kostenlos herunterladen und installieren und damit im Internet surfen. Chrome installieren Wichtig: Bevor Sie es herunterladen, sollten Si
Fazer o download e instalar o Google Chrome
Você pode baixar e instalar o navegador da Web Chrome sem custos financeiros e usá-lo para navegar na Web. Como instalar o Chrome Importante: antes de baixar, confira se o Chr
Download the new Google Meet app
Google Duo and Google Meet have been combined into a new Meet app for video calling and meetings. You can access your meetings in the new Meet app
Download Chrome - Bantuan Google Chrome
Di iPhone atau iPad, buka App Store.; Di kotak penelusuran, masukkan Chrome.; Ketuk Dapatkan.. Untuk menginstal, ikuti petunjuk di layar.