Google Sheets function list - Google Docs Editors Help
Here's a list of all the functions available in each category. When using them, don't forget to add quotation marks around all function components made of alphabetic characters that aren't referring to cells or columns. You can change the language of Google Sheets functions between English and 21 other languages.
Add formulas and functions - Computer - Google Docs Editors Help
You can perform many different types of calculations by using functions to create formulas in Google Sheets. Add formulas and functions to a spreadsheet. To get an example spreadsheet and follow along with the video, click 'Make a copy' below. Make a copy. Use a formula
Google Sheets cheat sheet - Google Workspace Learning Center
Google Sheets cheat sheet Create & collaborate with online spreadsheets to analyze data, create project plans, & more—all in your browser. Get Sheets: Web (sheets.google.com) , Android , or iOS
GOOGLEFINANCE - Google Docs Editors Help
Using Google products, like Google Docs, at work or school? Try powerful tips, tutorials, and templates. Learn to work on Office files without installing Office, create dynamic project plans and team calendars, auto-organize your inbox, and more.
QUERY function - Google Docs Editors Help
Using Google products, like Google Docs, at work or school? Try powerful tips, tutorials, and templates. Learn to work on Office files without installing Office, create dynamic project plans and team calendars, auto-organize your inbox, and more.
Lista de funciones de Hojas de cálculo de Google
Hojas de cálculo de Google admite las fórmulas de celdas que se suelen utilizar en la mayoría de paquetes de hojas de cálculo de escritorio. Estas funciones se pueden usar para crear fórmulas que manipulen datos y calculen cadenas de caracteres y números.
Add formulas & functions - Computer - Google Docs Editors Help
A function used in the same cell with another function is called a nested function. When functions are combined, Google Sheets will calculate the innermost function first. The nested function is contained in parentheses and is used as one of the components of the surrounding function.
AND function - Google Docs Editors Help
Google Sheets function list; 2 of 12. AND function; 3 of 12. FALSE; 4 of 12. IF function; 5 of 12. IFS ...
Learn what's new in Google Sheets - Google Docs Editors Help
You can show context-aware Help Center content in Sheets for the 23 supported Sheets functions, like AVERAGE and XLOOKUP. When you create a formula that can query BigQuery, the formula shows descriptions for Connected Sheets functions. Otherwise, the formula shows descriptions of native Sheets functions. Learn more about the XLOOKUP function.
IF function - Google Docs Editors Help
Use functions & formulas. IF function. IF function. ... Google Sheets function list; 2 of 7. Add formulas ...