Animal Diseases - National Geographic
A medical worker stands on the balcony of a hotel where members of the World Health Organisation (WHO) team tasked with investigating the origins of the...
Porpoises - National Geographic
CITES, the global treaty that regulates the wildlife trade, has imposed drastic sanctions on Mexico for its lackluster enforcement of protections for the...
Carnivore - National Geographic
Before his rescue, Freya had been kept in a wood-and-wire cage and was skinny and dehydrated. Now healthy, he loves climbing on logs, sitting on high...
Environment and Conservation - National Geographic
Environment and Conservation. Climate change already worse than expected, says new UN report
Tamodi Lodge and Stables, South Africa | National Geographic
2017年6月13日 · The setting is peaceful and relaxing, with seven luxury suites. There are two bird decks on the farm, mountain biking opportunities are close by and Keurbooms’ beaches are …
Pre-Columbian Civilisations - National Geographic
The central terrace of Teyuna in the jungle of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, is the site’s highest point.
Deserts - National Geographic
2022年7月13日 · As the sun rises over the desert in the Rub' al Khali (Empty Quarter), myriad colours wash over the sand
Rescue Work - National Geographic
2019年4月9日 · After a fight with her mother, R. left her home near Kolkata, one of India’s largest cities. At a train station, she met some men who tricked her and took her...
Sexual Health - National Geographic
Endometriosis is common, incredibly painful—and often misdiagnosed. Health; Public Health; Sexual Health; More
Mumbai - National Geographic
A flower market in Mumbai. This city is home to two Londons’ worth of people in an area less than half the size of the British capital, and five...