Duct tape or gorilla tape? - Advice - Paddling.com
2009年10月16日 · Duct tape, duct tape and more duct tape. I keep a roll in my kayak tool box which stays in my vehicle. I keep a roll in one of the door pockets of both of my vehicles, and I keep a piece of it wrapped around a spare paddle, (just in case). I keep several rolls in the shop, and “the bride” keeps several rolls around the house.
Waterproof tape - Advice - Paddling.com
2023年8月7日 · #1 *** Notice: Any kayak brought in for service that has duct tape on it will be susceptible to a minimum 1 hour service charge ($80) or more to remove it. **** PSA for kayakers. Duct tape is not your friend. Unless you are out on a longer trip and sustain damage while on the water there is never a good reason to put duct tape on your kayak.
Better than Duct Tape? - Advice - Paddling.com
2009年1月3日 · the new Gorilla tape waterproof, clean release, you can’t tear it without slicing it first, sticks to anything, available at big box and lumber yards, not very expensive and you’ll use a lot less than you would duct tape which is dirt cheap and a dickens to get it off in one piece. I stopped using Duct tape the minute I saw Gorilla tape.
Gorrilla tape, anyone use it? - Advice - Paddling.com
2006年9月13日 · I was driving in a cold mist and would not be able to dry the rudder enough to assure regular duct tape would stay on. I did not want to remove the rudder, lines, etc. I grabbed the Gorilla tape I had just bought. I quickly wiped the area around the nut and slapped the Gorilla tape on the still wet surface. Repeated for the bolt head area.
suggestions for waterproof tape? - Advice - Paddling.com
2014年6月15日 · I have several take-apart paddles and they all eventually take on water at the joints. I have used regular 3M duct tape around the joints and the buttons but it loosens and leaks after a while. Does anybody know any particular brand (and on-line source) of tape that lasts especially well for this? I also tried some 3M vinyl tape that seemed good for water-tightness …
Protective Tape (Keel Easy) - Advice - Paddling.com
2020年5月29日 · Wondering what everyone’s using for protective tape for the bow and stern for rocky shoreline launching and landings? Just saw “keel easy” online, but they want $25.95 to ship a piece of tape. Other options?
Getting Gorilla Tape Residue Off - Advice - Paddling.com
2012年12月18日 · Remove gorilla tape residue Gorilla Tape on my Mont Blanc roof racks left a thick residue. To remove residue I tried: Goo Gone, WD40, rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl), acetone (nail polish remover), vinegar, vegetable oil, DIF concentrated wall paper stripper, Gumout carb &choke cleaner. Nothing worked very well. Here’s what did work: fresh ...
Water Proof Duct Tape ??? - Advice - Paddling.com
2005年10月3日 · The guy who owned my Jive had taped in the the thigh braces and some outfitting with some red waterproof duct tape, this stuff really holds even in saltwater and I assume it’s something plumbers must use. Unfortunately my local Home Depot has put every building supply store and hardware store out of business.
wet hull repairs? - Advice - Paddling.com
2009年9月18日 · During a training this weekend we tried a number of different patching materials for on-water hull repair. I was under the impression that Gorilla Tape would stick to wet surfaces, so I was carrying that in my vest. No luck. My partner had “Hippo Patch”, and that was equally unsuccessful. Our instructor had some home-made concoction comprised of a fiberglass …
Patching Polyethylene - Advice - Paddling.com
2009年5月5日 · I bought a polyethylene kayak last year. This year when I took to out to the water for the first time, I now have a crack in it. I was wondering if anyone knew how to patch it. Thanks.