Steam Community :: Guide :: Complete Walkthrough
2018年3月8日 · You'll meet up with the not so dead Wasilij Dobrovsky, he will reveal all the Gorky 17 thing here. NATO will interfere and you'll be forced to fight them, 3 soldiers and General Lamar (100 HP). When that's over the dying Lamar will try to convince you that Dobrovsky is with Kozov and you will fight the final boss, Mutated Dobrovsky (500HP)
How i got my Gorky 17 to work great on win 10
2017年1月31日 · 1/ Goto your game folder normally: local disk c: / program files (x86) / steam / steamapps / common / gorky 17, 2/ make a backup copy of the gorky 17.exe you see here and put it somewhere safe, 3/ Open the Alternetives folder then alternetive 2, 4/ make a back up copy of the gorky 17.exe that is in that folder, 5/ right click on the gorky 17.exe in this folder and selct properties, 6/ click ...
Gorky 17 - Steam Community
Gorky 17 - November 2008. NATO intelligence services report that, for reasons unknown, the Russian military has destroyed GORKY 17, one of the old Soviet "Secret Cities". A year later NATO takes over a former Russian secret base built on Polish soil. Diggers discover a laboratory complex in the completely demolished town. After examining the wreckage, NATO decides to leave the lab as ...
Руководство и прохождение Gorky 17 - Steam Community
2016年3月30日 · Начнем с рассмотрения оружия. Средства умерщвления в “Горьком-17” делятся на следующие категории: рабочие – то есть те, с помощью которых, собственно, и производится умерщвление; вспомогательные – для подрыва бочек ...
Gorky 17 crashes during intro :: Gorky 17 General Discussions
2024年4月1日 · Navigate to the “Gorky17” folder. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Gorky 17) Locate the “gorky17.exe” file. Right-click on it and select “Properties.” Go to the “Compatibility” tab. Check the box for “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and choose “Windows 98.” Click “Apply” and then “OK.”
Gorky 17 General Discussions - Steam Community
2024年11月16日 · Gorky 17 - November 2008. NATO intelligence services report that, for reasons unknown, the Russian military has destroyed GORKY 17, one of the old Soviet "Secret Cities". A year later NATO takes over a former Russian secret base built on Polish soil. Diggers discover a laboratory complex in the completely demolished town. After examining the wreckage, NATO decides to leave the lab as ...
Gorky 17 - Steam Community
Gorky 17 - November 2008. NATO intelligence services report that, for reasons unknown, the Russian military has destroyed GORKY 17, one of the old Soviet "Secret Cities". A year later NATO takes over a former Russian secret base built on Polish soil. Diggers discover a laboratory complex in the completely demolished town. After examining the wreckage, NATO decides to leave ...
Steam Community :: Guide :: Cheats (Console Unlock)
2021年6月21日 · To activate the console, we need to put something in the target box/advanced launch options of Gorky 17. There are two methods on how you can do this. Either right click on the shortcut (or make one) of gorky17.exe and in the target box you are going to want to press space after the " and put in - anch760722 760722 and hit apply
Guide :: ! Run Gorky 17 - Full list of fixes - Steam Community
2017年12月23日 · In a Main tab, type in Name - Gorky 17. For Path click on a button .... Navigate to a folder where you've installed a game and choose gorky17.exe. Check fields in a Generic area: Hook Enabled, Run in Window and Remap Client Rect. Below that change Window Initial Position & size to: X=0 Y=0
Steam Community :: Guide :: Easter Eggs & Secrets
a) Cole Sullivan wants to smoke, Ovitz likes the Vodka too much, and Trantigne doesn't like the calm. These "hidden" dialogs are easter eggs introduced in Gorky 17, to trigger them just wait 1 minute on complete inactivity with each character selected.