Mark 48 torpedo - Wikipedia
The Mk-48 torpedo is designed to be launched from submarine torpedo tubes. The weapon is carried by all U.S. Navy submarines, including Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines and Seawolf-, Los Angeles-, and Virginia-class attack submarines. It is also used on Canadian, Australian, and Dutch submarines.
MK48 | Ordnance Technology Service, Inc. - ordtech.com
Gould conducted the bulk of the development of the MK 48 Mod 5 units, and was bought out at the time by Westinghouse. In the late 1980s and early 1990s the mod 5 was replaced with the Mod 6 unit. The mod 6 was primarily designed to run quieter and maintain the strong capability of strike in shallow waters as well.
Mk.48 ADCAP Heavy Weight Torpedo Attack Submarine SSN …
The Mk.48 torpedo was designed at the end of the 1960s to keep up with the advances in Soviet submarine technology. Operational since 1972, it replaced the Mk.37 and Mk.14 torpedoes as the principal weapon of U.S. Navy submarines.
Cleveland Torpedo History | Ordnance Technology Service, Inc…
The primary product line Gould was known for was the Heavyweight MK48 torpedo. Their involvement started with the Mod 0 and continued through the development of the Mod 6 version, with additional work in such programs as the CBASS Sonar System, Noise Deadening Program Development, and a host of other programs.
Mk 48型魚雷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mk 48型魚雷(Mark 48 torpedo)是美國海軍 潛艦的主力重型魚雷,能夠對付水面與水下的各類目標,也是美國官方公開描述,可以達到蘇聯 阿爾發級潛艇的潛深(800公尺)並且予以追蹤攻擊的魚雷 [9] 。除了美國海軍以外,也同時外銷到其他國家的海軍。
美国海军的利剑:MK-48重型魚雷 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年3月25日 · 针对新的反潜/反舰双用鱼雷需求,克利维特推出MK-48 Mod1(该公司称之为Gould 15),使用新设计的声纳寻标器,并沿用该公司早先提案的六汽缸热力循环式活塞往复发动机,输出功率约500马力;而西屋则以先前MK-48 Mod0为基础改良成为MK-48 Mod2,继续沿用MK-48 Mod0的 ...
Mk 48型鱼雷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mk 48型鱼雷(Mark 48 torpedo)是美国海军 潜舰的主力重型鱼雷,能够对付水面与水下的各类目标,也是美国官方公开描述,可以达到苏联 阿尔发级潜艇的潜深(800公尺)并且予以追踪攻击的鱼雷 [9] 。除了美国海军以外,也同时外销到其他国家的海军。
Mk 48 Torpedoman History - nitrofire.com
The Mk-48 torpedo was designed at the end of the 1960s to keep up with the advances in Soviet submarine technology. Operational since 1972, it replaced the Mk-37 and Mk-14 torpedoes as the principal weapon of U.S. Navy submarines.
Advanced Capabilities: U.S. Mark 48 Torpedo
2024年7月21日 · The Mk. 48, developed during the Cold War, is the sole heavyweight torpedo for US Navy submarines. Key features include wire guidance, an Otto fuel II monopropellant, and various modifications for range, speed, depth, and target acquisition. Multiple variants have been developed to enhance capabilities, and it has been exported to multiple nations.
Closed cycle technology promises increased power, quieter propulsion, full performance at depth, no exhaust (silent and wakeless running) — all features that would dramatically improve the Mk48’s performance.