Georgia Online Auctions - GovDeals
Discover Georgia United States of America surplus auctions. Register free and start bidding today across more than 500 categories.
State of Georgia - GovDeals
GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. Auction rules may vary across sellers.
Government Surplus Auctions | GovDeals
GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. Auction rules may vary across sellers.
Government Surplus For Sale in Georgia - GovPlanet
Buy surplus Containers, Electrical Distribution Equipment, Industrial and Construction Supplies, Parts, Shop, Warehouse and Consumer in Georgia from Unicor, AM General, FF Industrial, GE Aviation, Oshkosh, Seabox and more. Buy with confidence with our IronClad Assurance®.
Surplus Property | Georgia Department of Administrative …
Makes surplus property available for purchase to the public through online auction vendors via Georgia Auctions and Sales. Saves taxpayer dollars by reducing operational risks and maximizing the return on personal property assets for the State of Georgia and its communities.
Information for Public | Georgia Department of Administrative …
2023年9月15日 · We use the websites GovDeals and Public Surplus to advertise and sell state surplus property. You can view what is currently available for sale by clicking on the links below. How do I purchase surplus property from the auction sites? You must first set up a user account with the online auction providers, GovDeals or Public Surplus
GovDeals Online Surplus Auction Service - gacities.com
GovDeals partners with Georgia Municipal Association to provide its members with direct access to an experienced government-specific online auction platform to sell surplus items and equipment. As a GMA member, you can access the GovDeals marketplace without needing to go through any tedious RFP processes.
Buy Surplus Property - Georgia.gov
Find more information about program eligibility, auctions and sales, other policies at the Department of Administrative Services website. Government property that is no longer used is redistributed or sold. Surplus government property is any federal or …
Public Surplus: Government Surplus Auctions
Georgia Department of Administrative Services Surplus Property Division 200 Piedmont Ave. SE Suite 1802 W Atlanta, GA 30334-9010 (V) 404-657-8544 (F) 404-463-2912 E-Mail: [email protected] www.surplusproperty.doas.ga.gov
Trucks for Sale in Georgia - GovDeals
Bid on Georgia Trucks Transportation in our surplus auctions. Register free and start bidding today across more than 500 categories.