Gayal - Wikipedia
The gayal (Bos frontalis), also known as the Drung ox[1] or mithun, is a large domestic cattle distributed in Northeast India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and in Yunnan, China. [2] In his first description of 1804, Aylmer Bourke Lambert applied the binomial Bos frontalis to a domestic specimen probably from Chittagong. [3]
Gayal, a great prospect in livestock - The Daily Star
2019年9月5日 · Gayal has the black-brownish colour and from under the knee to the hoof they have white hairs. It looks like they’re wearing white socks. They have two big horns.
Wild Ox, Domesticated Cattle & Conservation Status - Britannica
gaur, (Bos gaurus), one of several species of wild cattle, family Bovidae (order Artiodactyla). The gaur lives in small herds in the mountain forests of India, Southeast Asia, and the Malay Peninsula. Larger than any other wild cattle, it attains a shoulder height of 1.8 m (6 feet) or more.
গয়াল - উইকিপিডিয়া
গয়াল (বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম: Bos frontalis) বন্য গরুর একটি প্রজাতি। ভারতে এরা মিথুন নামে পরিচিত। এরা চিটাগাং বাইসন নামেও পরিচিত। [১] বাংলাদেশের ১৯৭৪ সালের বন্যপ্রাণী (সংরক্ষণ) (সংশোধিত) আইনে এ প্রজাতিটি সংরক্ষিত। [২]
Gayal Project ( Bos frontalis ): Breed Conservation, Development
Gayal is an endangered species in Bangladesh according to listings of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the cross between Gaur (Bos gaurus) and domestic cattle has given birth to Gayal (Bos frontalis).
Gayal | Goyal গয়াল ll A gayal bull in Bandarban ll Bangladesh ll
2014年9月3日 · Goyal - গয়াল (a local animal) found in hill treks of Bangladesh.The gayal (Bos frontalis), also known as mithun, is a large semi-domesticated bovine distributed in Northeast India, Bangladesh,...
Rearing Gayal becomes popular in tea gardens - Dhaka Tribune
2023年4月7日 · Cattle farmers in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region have long been familiar with rearing Gayal. And recently many plainland farmers are also opting for breeding and rearing this wild cow variety. They have already achieved remarkable success in breeding Gayal, a feral animal species which can be domesticated.
Gigantic Goyal Cow | Goyal Farm | Gayal Farming in Bangladesh - YouTube
Gigantic Goyal Cow | Goyal Farm | Gayal Farming in Bangladesh | Sadeeq Agro 2024 | #cow #farming #bangladesh
Gayal’s wild journey from the hills to cattle farms
2023年6月27日 · The heavyweight hill cow Gayal has been cleverly lured into plainlands and commercially reared for over a decade for its high meat yield. Now, as Eid-ul-Azha approaches fast, the traders of Gayal are seeing an increasing demand for the wild bovine, whose meat was already a common dish at various dining tables in Chattogram.
গো-সম্পদে নতুন সম্ভাবনা গয়াল | Goyal Cow | Goyal …
Watch the video-1881, গো-সম্পদে নতুন সম্ভাবনা গয়াল | Goyal Cow | Goyal farming | shikor agro, Bayezid MoralDescription : এটি একটি ...