GP2 - Understanding the Genetic Architecture of Parkinson's Disease
The Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program (GP2) is an ambitious program to genotype over 250,000 volunteers around the world to further understand the genetic architecture of …
GP2 Learning Platform - GP2
Discover the GP2 learning platform, providing researchers with training modules, resources, and collaborative tools focused on Parkinson’s and genetic research.
The Components of GP2’s 9th Data Release - GP2
In December 2024, GP2 announced the 9th data release on the Terra and the Verily® Workbench platforms in collaboration with AMP ® PD. This release includes 17,690 additional genotyped …
About - GP2
GP2 aims to collect samples and data from around the world, specifically with the goal of including groups traditionally underrepresented in genetics research. GP2 works toward diversifying our …
Andrew B Singleton - GP2
GP2 develops and maintains tools that assemble clinical and genetic data to help accelerate research across the Parkinson’s Disease Research community. Read more. Data Resources …
موارد البيانات - GP2
استكشف موارد البيانات الشاملة التي يوفرها gp2 للمساعدة في أبحاث مرض باركنسون، بما في ذلك مجموعات البيانات والأدوات المنسقة لتطوير الدراسات العصبية.
Research Community - GP2
Explore GP2’s research community, uniting global experts to advance Parkinson’s research through collaboration, resources, and shared insights.
Cornelis Blauwendraat - GP2
Cornelis serves as co-lead for the Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program (GP2). Cornelis is also the Chief Data Strategy Officer of the Coalition for Aligning Science (CAS), where he provides …
Training Opportunities - GP2
Explore training opportunities from GP2, showcasing programs that advance skills and knowledge in Parkinson’s research.
GP2介绍 - GP2
他们可以提供想法。现在,全球帕金森遗传项目将全球各地的科学家、临床医师和患者召集在一起,共同解决这些问题。gp2提供了协作的框架。我们合作的目标很简单。极大地扩展我们对帕 …